Saturday, January 10, 2009

Treat Nail Tips

Try to see your fingernail. What clutches that appear strong and healthy? Or you even see the nail that is easily broken, Texturized rough and have a color and shape a different one with the other? Conditions, among others, the lack of maintenance performed on the nail. But there is also damage to the nails that would indicate a disease suffered.

To prevent your nails brittle and broken, you should first know the parts of a healthy nails!

Healthy nails consist of:

* Nail plate => Tier terluar of a nail
Nail folds => Skin frame of your nails
Nail bed => Safeguard the skin that are at the bottom of the nail
Cuticle => Safeguard the coat nails, protect the new keratin cells
Lunula => Section semicircular at the bottom of the nail

Does not have a product that can make nails strong and healthy, without the care that you do terhadapnya. If you still want to keep nails healthy, following a few things you should know:

Do not you lukai nails. Do not use nails to open things, especially things hard or something interesting in spite of any tooth and nail you
Do not bite your nails. This habit will damage the nail bed nail you. Besides dirty and can make you sick (the dirt under the nails can be merged if you use your hands to eat), this habit will make a short nails, and make the bacteria or fungus can enter into your nail bed infection and relief.

Protect your nails. If you are old enough brush with chemicals, always protect your hands and nails with plastic gloves.

Do care. Potonglah nails regularly, do not wait until a long nail. Use a sharp cutting nails, and pengikir to refine sudutnya. Never nail interesting that the half cut off, even as it will damage the new network that's your nail.
Give pelembap. Such as nail skin, which also requires pelembap. Oleskan pelembap nail on the same when you spread hand lotion on your hands. Repeat the process again each time you finish washing hands

Even that is easily broken nails and fragile strength can also be returned. Here are some steps to strengthen the nails:

Keep the nails you are still short, box-shaped, with the tip of the circle. Cut nails after a bath, or soaked in oil after the bath for 15 minutes, because at that time when the nail is in the most lembap. Oleskan hand lotion & nail afterwards.

Oleskan nail cuticle layer of lotion on the nail bed time ago before protect your nails with the use of gloves in cotton.

Application brace nails but avoid products containing toluene sulfonamide or formaldehyde. These chemicals can cause irritation on your skin.

Do not use acetone or nail remover more than 2 times a month because of it makes your nails dry and merapuhkannya. If you start coloring nails exfoliate, oleskan back with direct overwrite previous coloring nails.

Special tip: If you often do manicure to make your nails look beautiful, be sure not to let your cuticle currycomb and make sure all the equipment that will be used already in sterile conditions.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Diabetes tips

Melitus diabetes (DM) or diabetes is a disease that often affects and can cause quite a serious aberration in the eye. RETINOPATI DIABETIKA (RD). The country forward RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD) is one of the main causes of blindness in the productive age. Risk of blindness will be increased in line with the long suffering DM, therefore very important for us to know better DM complications in the eyes and know what can be done, so that it can reduce the risk of blindness because RETINOPATI DIABETIKA.


Research has found that the duration of DM are important factors to the risk of a RD. DM for 17-25 years have a 90% risk for the occurrence of RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD). Fakto-factor which is a risk factor is Hypertension, Smoking, kidney disease and anemia. Diabetes can cause some other eye diseases such as cataracts and galukoma.

HOW RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD) SEBABKAN blindness? RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD) can cause blindness through some meknisme, namely: - Leakage of blood plasma damaged retina, causing swelling and damage. - Bleeding into the cavity Vitreus, so that cover the way rays. - The scar dirongga vitreus network so that it can cause ablasio retina. - A decrease in the flow of blood central keretina (makula iskemik).




WHAT RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD) TERKONTROL BE? Strict control of blood sugar reduces progresitifitas RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD). Blood pressure is well controlled and kidney function that can be good also to improve the situation retinopati. WHAT CAN LASER treatment MENGOBATI RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD)? Laser treatment is very important, the goal is to stabilize the laser and prevent disease progresitifitas worsen. It is very important is that the laser treatment does not always improve network vision. Complications of laser dangat rare, usually arise not feel comfortable and arasa glare. Suddenly decrease in vision immediately arise after made laser. Other complications are bleeding cold, exposed to laser Makula, glaucoma, Makula swelling, decrease in vision and a decrease in reading Perifer night vision.


Action needs to be done on the operating conditions as follows: - Perdarah Viterus long time, usually 4-6 sunday setealh blood is not absorbed. - There is a release, layer retina, especially on the area makula. - The complications glaucoma.

- Infection

- Ablatio Retina (2-3%)

- Bleeding back to 50%


- Keeping the blood sugar controlled

- No smoking

- Reducing the movement-gerakn that can cause bleeding

- Control eyes regularly.

- Vision of Melitus Diabetes can usually be saved.

- RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD) can occur without symptoms to give

- Early detection is to prevent blindness.

- Medicine and laser surgery can be very effective in the treatment RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD).

High Minus and eyes complications

Miopia (minus) can be classified as myopia simpleks and myopia patologis. Miopia simpleks usually mild myopia and patalogis almost always progressive. This is usually derived parents on their children.

Miopia high sau is one cause of blindness at the age of under 40 years old. Miopia with high myopia is dioptri size 6 or more.

Patients with minus 6 over dioptri will cause 3-4 times more for the occurrence of complications in the eyes.

What kind of complications that can occur due to high minus

Cataracts subkapsular


Makula degeneration

Rags retina

Ablasio Retina

Bleeding Retina / Vitreous

Why can tingggi minus sebabkan Ablasio Retina?

Usually, people with frequent high-minus depletion and degeneration didaerah perifer retinanya. Dilution liquid vitreus happened earlier.

This condition causes high risk of occurrence and retina hole Ablasio Retina.

Complaints should diwaspadai is the spot light spot (Floaters) and Kilatan Lights?

Correction of myopia can be done on

* Glasses
* Lenda Box
* Laser (LASIK)
* Operation

What is LASIK?

LASIK stands for Laser Insitu Keratomileuisis? the action is operating Refraktif Eye Surgery.

How is making? cornea,? ablasi be opened and the laser on the cornea stroma, and the Flap? closed again without a stitch.

Indikasinya is Miopia to 15d. Hiperopia to 5D and astigmat to 4D. This is a very dipengaruhioleh indication kornra central thickness.

Benefits of LASIK is predicted better, more stable, very minimal pain, rapid rehabilitation of vision and the risk of low turbidity cornea.

Complications that can occur even though rare, is the Over Under Correction Correction perletakan not perfect, night vision problems and infections

What action will cause LASIK Complications Retina?

Up to now, not the retina due to complications of LASIK. Akan but minus the retina at high risk still have to prevent complications, so people usually have high minus regularly review the situation to his retina examination and prevention measures such as laser profilaksis.


Hiperemesis gravidarum is excessive vomiting occur until the age
22 sunday pregnancy. Vomiting can be so great is all that is eaten
and drink again.
It is not yet known. Some of the causes of the theory:
1. Increased estrogen
2. Increased hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
3. Disfungsi psychic
Clinical picture
The clinical hiperemesis gravidarum divided into 3 levels, namely:
1. Level I
- Vomiting is ongoing, relief food and intolerance against
drinks, body weight decreased, epigastrium pain, vomiting first exit
food, mucus and bile and only a little phlegm, bile fluid
and the last blood out.
- Nadi increased to 100 times per minute and blood pressure sistole
- Deep-set eyes and dry tongue, decreased skin turgor and still urin
2. Level II
- More serious symptoims, vomiting all that is eaten and drunk , thirsty
- Subfebril, rapid pulse and more 100 - 140 times per minute, blood pressure
sistole less than 80 mmHg,
- Apathetic, pale skin, tongue, dirty, sometimes ikterus there, there aseton, bilirubin
and body-weight rapidly decreased.
3. Level III
- Disturbances awareness (delirium, coma), a decrease or stop vomiting,
ikterus, sianosis, nistagmus, heart disturbances, and bilirubin

1. Amenore with the severe vomiting (all that will be eaten and drunk
dimuntahkan), daily work disrupted and thirsty.
2. Vital functions: increased pulse 100 times per minute, blood pressure decreased on
the weight, interference and subfebril awareness (apathetic-comma).
3. Physical examination: dehydration, the weight, pale skin, ikterus, sianosis,
body weight decreased, porsio software on vaginal Touche, according to large uterus
gestasi age.
4. Laboratory: relative increase in hemoglobin and hematokrit, shift to the left,
keton objects and proteinuria.
1. Diet
a. Diet hiperemesis I hiperemesis given the level III. Food only
the form of bread and dried fruits. Not provided with liquid
food, but after 1-2 hours. Food is less oxygen in the oxygen -
nutrients except vitamin C because it provided only for a few days.
b. Diet hiperemesis II when given a sense reduced nausea and vomiting. The
gradually start given food nutrition value is high.
Drink not provided with food. This food is low in
all substances-vitamins except vitamin A and D.
c. Diet hiperemesis III is given to patients with mild hiperemesis.
According to the ability of beverages can be supplied with
food. Food in all of this enough vitamin except calcium.
2. In the case of:
- Stop eating / drinking while per oral (24 - 48 hours).
- Infus dextrose 5% or 10%: RL = 2: 1, 40 drops per minute.
- Drugs:
§ iv Vitamin B: Vitamin B1, B2 and B6 each 50 - 100
mg / day / infus, Vitamin B12 and 200 mcg / hr / infus,
§ Penenang minor: Fenobarbital 30 mg im 2 - 3 times per day or
Klorpromazin 25 - 50 mg per day, or diazepam 5 mg 2 - 3 times per day
§ Antiemetik: prometazin 2 - 3 times 25 mg per day or klorpromazin
3 mg 3 times per day
§ Antasida 3 x 1 tab per day per oral
- Consider referred to the hospital.


Acute hepatitis virus infection is an infection of the heart as by one of
fifth hepatitis virus (virus A, B, C, D or E); inflammation appear
and lasted only for a few sunday.
Virus Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E.
Clinical picture
- Symptoms usually appear suddenly, in the form of:
§ decrease in appetite
§ does not feel well
§ nausea
§ vomiting
§ fever.
- What happened and joint pain relief biduran (itchy-itchy skin), especially if
the cause is infection by the hepatitis virus B.
- Some days later, urine color changed to dark and more
arising yellow (jaundice). At this time symptoms disappeared and other people
feel better, even if the jaundice worsened.
- Can symptoms arising from kolestasis (interruption or reduction in the flow of bile)
feces in the form of pale color and itching all over the body.
- Jaundice usually reaches its peak on sunday to 1 - 2, and
disappeared on sunday to 2 - 4.
- Diagnosis based on symptoms and results of blood examination
heart function.
- On physical examination, teraba soft-hearted and sometimes quite swell.
- Diagnosis is sure if the blood found on the examination of virus protein
antibody to the virus or hepatitis.
- If there is acute hepatitis is very heavy, then the patient treated at home
sick, but hepatitis A does not usually require special treatment.
- After several days, appetite appears again and people do not need to
lie. Food and activities need not be limited to patients
and do not need extra vitamins.
- Most people can return to work after the jaundice disappears,
although the results of the examination heart function is not fully normal.
- Hygiene is good to help prevent the spread of hepatitis virus
A. People with very infeksius feces. On the other hand, people do not need to be deported;
isolation at less only help the spread of hepatitis A, but
not at all prevent the spread of hepatitis B and C.
- The likelihood of a spread of infection through blood transfusion can be reduced
using the blood that has been through a screening for hepatitis
B and C.
- Vaccination stimulates the formation of hepatitis B immune and
provide effective protection.
- Vaccination hepatitis A was given to those who have risk
high, for example, the traveler who visited the area where the disease
This is usually found.
- For hepatitis C, D and E have not yet found a vaccine.
- For those who get the vaccination has not been exposed but have hepatitis,
can get to preparat antibody protection, the serum globulin.
Giving antibody aims to provide immediate protection against
hepatitis virus.
- To the babies born from mothers who are suffering from hepatitis B immune
globulin hepatitis B vaccination and hepatitis B. This combination can prevent
chronicles the occurrence of hepatitis B in about 70% of infants.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Malaria is an infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Worldwide, malaria affects between 300 and 500 million people each year. About a 1,000 of cases of malaria occur each year in the United States.

Malaria is also called Biduoterian fever; blackwater fever; falciparum malaria; plasmodium; Quartan malaria; tertian malaria


There are many symptoms of malaria and not every individual experiences all the symptoms. The symptoms are divided into three distinct states.

  • The first stage is called the cold stage. Symptoms of this state are sudden chills, and sometimes violent shaking.
  • The second state is called the hot state. This state is characterized by a high fever and rapid breathing. The fever may reach 107° F.
  • The third stage is called the wet state. This stage is characterized by excessive sweating.


Malaria is caused by a bite from the female Anopheles mosquito. Then the female bites, she injects the malaria parasites into the bloodstream of the victim. There are four types of parasites that cause malaria. They are: P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae and P. falciparum.

When the parasites are in the bloodstream, they travel to the liver. Once inside the liver, they multiply at a very high rate. Within a week or so, up to 40,000 parasites flow back into the bloodstream, where they continue to multiply and begin to destroy red blood cells.

Female mosquitoes

Female mosquitoes transmit the parasite because they take blood from the bitten victim. Male mosquitoes do not take blood from the victim.

After the mosquito ingests the parasite, it takes about a week to ten days or so for that mosquito to become infective.


Malaria can be treated . Your doctor can prescribe medication that can result in a complete recovery. However, if malaria is left untreated, complications may occur.

Malaria Prevention

If you are going to an area where malaria exists, tell your doctor several weeks before you leave. Your doctor will advise you of what to do.

Complications of Malaria

Malaria is treatable and should be taken very seriously. If left untreated the infected person can develop infection in the brain, so-called cerebral malaria, and result with fever and coma.

What is Tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils caused by an infection. In tonsillitis, the tonsils are enlarged, red, and often coated (either partly or entirely) by a substance that is yellow, gray, or white. Tonsillitis usually occurs as part of a pharyngitis (throat infection). Tonsillitis usually begins with sudden sore throat and painful swallowing.

Sometimes, tonsillitis reoccurs, and may cause difficulty breathing. If this occurs, your doctor may recommend taking them out. This procedure of removing tonsils from the throat is called a tonsillectomy.

What are Tonsils?

The tonsils are fleshy clusters of tissue that lie in bands on both sides of the back of the throat, above and behind the tongue. The tonsils' major function is to catch incoming germs before the germs cause infections in the throat, mouth, or sinuses. Tonsils contain infection-fighting cells and antibodies that stop the spread of the germs further into the body.

If the tonsils are taken out, the individual will not suffer from more infections than they did when they had their tonsils. There are other tissues in the body that will produce antibodies to fight infection.

What are the symptoms of Tonsillitis?

Each person with tonsillitis may not experience all of the symptoms. Some of the major symptoms of tonsillitis are:

a very sore throat
redder-than-normal tonsils
a yellow or white coating on the tonsils
a funny-sounding voice
swollen glands in the neck
bad breath

How is Tonsillitis diagnosed?

Tonsillitis can be diagnosed by performing a rapid strep test, also called a throat culture. To perform the throat culture, the doctor will use a long cotton swab to swipe off some of the stuff on the surface of the back of your throat. The doctor will then test the "stuff" on the cotton swab. This test will determine whether you have tonsillitis and whether it is caused by a bacteria or a virus.

Is Tonsillitis Contagious?

Yes. Tonsillitis usually spreads from person to person by contact with the throat or nasal fluids of someone who is already infected.

How Is Tonsillitis Treated?
Treatment for tonsillitis depends on whether it was caused by a virus or bacteria. If the tonsillitis was caused by strep bacteria (streptococci), the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. If the tonsillitis was caused by a virus, your body will fight off the infection on its own. However, medication can be prescribed to alleviate the symptoms.

How long does Tonsillitis Last?

If tonsillitis is caused by bacteria, with antibiotic treatment, the illness is usually cured within 1 week. However, it may take several weeks for the tonsils and swollen glands to return to normal size.

When tonsillitis is caused by viruses, the length of illness depends on which virus is involved. Usually, people are almost completely recovered within 1 week.


Gonore is bacterial infection of the genitals, Rectum or throat.
Caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonococcus), a
diplococcus gram negative. Bacteria mainly infection mucous
men, the genitals, rectum, mucous eyes, and throat.
Gonore can spread if someone vaginal sex,
rectum or mouth with someone who is already experiencing infection
without using condoms. For men who have experienced infection channel
urinating, symptoms usually appear within 2 - 10 days after
infection, but symptoms often appear only after several months.
Clinic pictures
Usually this disease shows symptoms after 2 to 10 days
contac to suffer the disease. In the men generally
this disease is marked by inflammation outlet urine with symptoms
pain during urin and remove fluid from the white lines
urine. However expenditure liquid white, or yellow, the
Thick or thin may be caused by other germs, so that nature
This liquid does not ensure this disease.
Meanwhile, the woman can show symptoms of stomach pain in the
down, whites and sometimes bleeding that's not normal
womb, and not feeling comfortable in the anus. But all of these symptoms are
not typical for gonore, it can also caused by other diseases, so that
the need to check carefully.
In the women gonore infections can be ongoing inflammation in the tool
pelvic spreading the lips of the womb, into the womb, to channel eggs
and to all the tools in the pelvis, usually occurs during the period. Symptoms
the disease include fever, stomach aches and the bottom. It may also
there are colors of liquid in the mouth of the womb and painful
press in the womb at the time of examination in the top of the equipment behind.
Resolvent equipment can cause pelvic strerilitas, pregnancy outside
uterus and the chronic pelvic pain.

Complications in addition to local men and women, can also occur
complications in other places, the effects of the bacteria spreading through blood gonore,
and approximately 2 / 3 female patients. Joint inflammation can occur and the skin
mark in fever, painful joints and swollen joints, shivering and aberration
skin and pus-shaped bubble. Inflammation involving multiple joints
joints, often involving the wrist joints, fingers, and knee joints
ankle joints. Other common manifestations include meningitis
(perikarditis), and hepatitis (hepatitis). Sometimes
inflammation occurs in the layer of the heart and brain membrane.
Gonore and klamidia can be known with a sample from the channel diseka
urine, rectum or throat. It is important that the patient does not move during the small
is not three hours before the tesnya.
- Vulnerability Neisseria gonorrhoeae to antibiotics vary widely in
world. Resistance against kuinolon increasing, especially in Asia
Southeast where up to 20% strain was resistant.
- Acute infection without complications
Drugs other options:
§ prokain penicillin 2.4 million IU, given im, and doses for women
4.8 million IU.
§ Ampisilin single dose of 3.5 grams, 1 gram probenesid
§ Amoksisilin 3 grams + 1 gram probenesid
§ Tiamfenikol single oral dose of 2.5 - 3.5 grams, but is not recommended in the
pregnant women
§ If the suspected cause of bacteria resistant to penicillin (penicillinase
producing. N.gonorrhoeae = PPNG), the drug is selected tiamfenikol
kuinolon or new.
- Infection with complications: Siprofloksasin 500 mg x 2 a day for 5 - 7
oral per day.


Glaucoma is a collection of symptoms of a disease that causes
resultan namely the increasing pressure intra okuler enough to cause
optical disk degeneration or aberration field perspective.
Increased intra okuler pressure.
With hypertension should be okuler is a situation where the pressure
intraokuler escalate without damage to the optic disc and field aberration perspective.
Clinical picture
Glaucoma can be classified as follows:
1. Primary glaucoma
a. Primary open angle glaucoma (glaucoma simple, wide angle glaucoma,
Chronic simple glaucoma) is a type of glaucoma is most often
b. Primary closed-angle glaucoma (narrow angle glaucoma, closed angle
glaucoma, acute congestive glaucoma).
2. Glaucoma Kongenital
a. Glaucoma or kongenital primary infantil (Buftalmos)
b. Glaucoma that accompanies deviation kongenital
3. Secondary glaucoma
4. Absolut glaucoma
In the acute glaucoma kongestif (the occurrence of the attack) should be given treatment
as soon as possible because late to treatment can speed worsen
sharp field of vision and perspective.
Acute glaucoma kongestif often suspected / diagnosed as konjungtivitis
because the eyes look red. In the acute glaucoma will be visible to the injection
conjungtiva, injection silier, broad pupil / mid dilatasi, reflek less.
Inspection measurement of pressure with the ball will be tonometri
A high value (normally 10 -20 mmHg).

Red eyes, wide pupil, reflek less, slightly cloudy cornea, without the dirt
with complaints of pain and decreased visus and usually one eye is
Aberration is not diagnosed as conjungtivitis. Alerts conjungtivitis
is the red-eye (usually two eyes), there is the dirt, not the head aches,
visus not decline, no pupil wide and does not result in blindness.
Kongestif acute glaucoma is very dangerous and result in total blindness that
can not be cured.
With limited ketenagaan and equipment, then for glaucoma
that may be made in health is acute glaucoma congestif, with
the provision of:
a. Timolol 0.5% with a dose of 2 x day
b. Pilokarpin 2 - 4% every 2 minutes
c. Acetazolamide 250 mg x 3 a day
d. Analgetik systemic
Simptomatik with the treatment of symptoms and refer immediately to a specialist
for further action.


Epigastrium pain relief are missing / can be settled along with nausea /
Gastritis is a major cause stomach irritation, for example by the food
stimulate stomach acid, alcohol, drugs or stress. In the circumstances this is the case
interference balance between production and stomach acid resistance mukosa.
Systemic diseases, smoking habits, infection of the bacteria Helicobacter pilori also
a role in this disease.
Clinical picture
- People usually complain or do not feel acute in Ulu heart.
- Gastritis erosif due to drugs is often accompanied by bleeding.
- Epigastrium pain, flatulence, nausea, vomiting is not always there.
heart aches, nausea / vomiting, etc. kembung.
- People with acute gastritis need lie down. Then he must
familiarize oneself to eat regularly and avoid foods that stimulate.
- There will soon be lost with antasida (Al. Hidroksida, Mg Hidroksida)
given the bed, morning, and between mealtimes.
- When the vomiting until the tablet can be given metoklopramid 10
mg, 1 hour before meals.
- If severe pain can be combined with simetidin 200 mg x 2 a day
ranitidin or 150 mg a day x 2
- People with bleeding such as hematemesis or melena need
immediately referred to the hospital because of bleeding on the possibility of going
tukak which can be a stomach perforation.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Failure is the heart of a clinical syndrome arising from the decreasing power
heart pump. The kind of anemia among others, hypertension,
tirotoksikosis, coronary heart disease or heart valve aberration.
- Anemia
- Hypertension
- Titotoksikemia
- Heart disease chronicles
- Aberration heart valve
Clinical picture
- Symptoms can include heart failure fails to sign the heart of the left or right
can appear gradually, but can also suddenly oedem with tuberculosis
- Failed to the heart of the left marked with a shortness breath after physical work, cough,
or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.
- It may appear that pulsasi karotis weakened, and heard the sound of the heart
III and i.v.
- Sign of critical heart failure is oedem right ankle in the
pitting and enlargement of the heart.
- People usually feel weak and may complain pain in the quarter
top right of the stomach. At about asites can happen.
- Failed to acute heart failure is usually a sign of the left heart oedema lung
acute: shortness of breath and rapid breath, coughing when lying, and sianosis.
Shortness of breath, and tracicardia "gallop rhythm", the signs dam lungs.

- People with heart failure need to rest in accordance with the weight of the disease. In the
symptoms of heavy, lying half-sitting is best. Next event
adjusted to the physical ability of the heart.
- People should limit salt Feed.
- Diuretik furosemid tablet 40 mg 1 - x 2 a day as a useful drug
single heart that failed to sign prominent oedema. Diuretik
This can be provided without digitalis when not takikardia.
- When diuretik shared with digitalis should be given KCI 500 mg 1 - 3
x day of oral, with the monitoring content and Na + K + plasma.
- At the heart of the failed heavier digitalis may be necessary. Digitizing
should be carried out slowly with digoksin 0.25 mg / day.
- If possible give oxygen.
- People who show a complaint in a state of rest or
with symptoms of tuberculosis udem necessary referred to hospital, given the previous
first furosemid, KCI and digoksin.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Bird flu (Avian influenza) is an acute infectious disease caused by
virus that attacks the birds in general, and can also spread from birds
to humans.
Influenza virus type A H5N1 sub-type
Ways of transmission
Spread the disease to humans can be through:
a. Animals: direct contact with sick poultry or poultry products which
b. Environment: air or equipment tercemar virus either
comes from the feces or sekret birds fell ill that bird flu virus (AI)
c. Human: very limited and inefficient (found several cases
in group / cluster)
d. The consumption of poultry products that do not have any cooked perfectly
the potential of bird flu virus.
Clinical picture
The period of incubation average 3 (1 - 7 days). The period of transmission in humans is 1 day
before and 3 - 5 days after the symptoms arise, while the transmission to the child
can reach 21 days. Caused the same symptoms as ordinary flu, marked
with a sudden fever (temperature • 38oC), cough, runny nose, sore throat, shortness,
headache, malaise, vomiting, diarrhea and muscle pain.
1. Suspect bird flu
When the fever (temperature • 38oC) with one or more of the following symptoms:
- Coughing
- Pain Management throat
- Colds
- Breathless,

Accompanied by one or more of Exposure below 7 days before
the incidence of symptoms:
- My close (within 1 meter), such as caring, talking, or
in contact with the suspect patient (suspek), or probabel cases of H5N1
which confirmed.
- Touch such as handling, slaughter, revoke wool, cut,
prepared for consumption with chickens, wild birds, dead
birds or the environment against tercemar by the poultry faeces
in areas where infection with H5N1 in humans or animals
have been suspected or confirmed in the last one month.
- Consuming raw poultry products, or that are not cooked with
perfect in the region that is suspected or found animals or
human H5N1 infection in the last one month.
- Contact closely with other animals (other than poultry or other birds),
such as cats or pigs that have been confirmed infected with H5N1.
- Hold / sample handling (animal or human) suspected of containing
H5N1 virus in a laboratory suastu or other places
- Found leukopenia (under the normal value: 5000 - 10,000).
- Found titer antibody against H5 with inspections using the HI test
eritrosit horse or ELISA test for influenza A without a sub-type.
- Photos Toraks show the pneumonia quickly deteriorate in the serial
2. People (confirmation) bird flu
When the suspect, along with one of the positive results following the
conducted in the laboratory influenza national, regional or international
the results of the examination H5N1nya recognized by WHO as a confirmation:
- Isolation influenza A/H5N1 virus-positive
- Results PCR positive influenza A/H5N1
- Increased • 4-fold antibody titer for H5N1 from netralisasi specimens
konvalesen specimens compared with the acute (7 days is taken up
ONSET disease), and antibody titer must also netralisasi • 1 / 80).

- Titer antibody mikronetralisasi H5N1 • 1 / 80 in the serum specimens
taken on the day to 14 after • ONSET disease, along with the results postif
serologis another test, for example, HI titer horse red blood cells • 1 / 160 or
western blot specific H5 positive.
a. Suspect bird flu given oseltamivir 75 mg x 2 a day for 5 days.
Children in accordance with the dose of body weight (age> 1 year: 2mg/kgBB), and
referred to hospitals bird flu
b. Provision must follow the system skoring agreed (see
book Bird Flu Control and Use of Oseltamivir in the health,
c. Each of oseltamivir should be based on a doctor's note and and
reported in accordance with a format that is available.
d. Oseltamivir is not recommended for profilaksis and by pemberiannya
Efforts to do with the prevention of ways to avoid that
contaminated feces and sekret poultry, with the following:
- Any person related to the material that comes from the channel dissolved
poultry should use protective (mask, glasses pool)
- Materials that come from channels such as indigestion poultry excrement must treat
well (planted / burned) in order not to become a source of transmission for
the surrounding
- Tools used in livestock should be washed with
- Coop feces and can not be excluded from the location of livestock
- Consume chicken that has been cooked at a temperature less than most
80oC for 1 minute, while poultry eggs should be heated at a temperature
64oC for 5 minutes
- Maintain environmental hygiene
- Maintain cleanliness self
- For those who do not be concerned, are forbidden to enter the farm
- When exposed to influenza are forbidden to enter the farm.
- If you're planting farming using manure required
using gloves and masks
- Each farm workers, cutting penjamah poultry and poultry that
exposed to influenza immediately to a health clinic or other health services.


Faringitis is Inflamasi or infection of the membrane mukosa faring (can also
tonsilo palatina).
Acute Faringitis is usually the part of the acute infection orofaring namely tonsilo
faringitis acute, or part of the influenza (rinofaringitis).
Faringitis can be caused by a virus or bacteria.
- Virus (that is, rhinovirus, adenovirus, parainfluenza, coxsackievirus, Epstein --
Barr virus, herpes virus)
- Bakteria (ie, group A ß-hemolytic Streptococcus [most]), Chlamydia,
Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Hemophilus influenzae, Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- Jamur (ie Candida); rare except in people with imunokompromis (ie
those with HIV and AIDS)
Irritation that stimulate food is often a factor or a fuse
Clinical picture
Travel disease depends on the existence of secondary infection and virulensi
kumannya and resistance of the body, but usually recover faringitis
in the 3 - 5 days.
Faringitis caused bacteria:
- Fever or shivering
- Nyeri swallow
- Faring posterior red and swollen
- There are folikel bereksudat and purulen on the wall faring
- Perhaps the cough
- Pembesaran neck lymph gland anterior part
- Do not want to eat / swallow
- ONSET sore throat of a sudden
- Malaise
- Anoreksia

Faringitis because of the virus:
- ONSET inflammation tenggorokannya slow, progressive
- Fever
- Nyeri swallow
- Faring posterior red and swollen
- Malaise light
- Coughing
- Nasal congestion
Diagnosis based on symptoms and physical examination results.
- Care and treatment is not different from the influenza.
- For children there is no specific suggestion medicine.
- For fever and pain:
Adult §
Paracetamol 250 or 500 mg, 1 - 2 tablets per day oral 4 x if necessary,
or ibuprofen, 200 mg 1 - 2 x 4 tablets a day if needed.
§ Children
Paracetamol given 3 times a day if the fever
- Under 1 year: 60 mg / time (1 / 8 tablet)
- 1 - 3 years: 60 - 120 mg / time (1 / 4 tablet)
- 3 - 6 years: 120 - 170 mg / time (1 / 3 tablets)
- 6 - 12 years: 170 - 300 mg / time (1 / 2 tablet)
- Obati with antibiotics if there is suspected infection:
Adult §
o Kotrimoksazol 2 x 2 adult tablets a day for 5 days
o Amoksisilin 500 mg x 3 a day for 5 days
o either erythromycin 500 mg x 3 a day for 5 days
§ Children
o Kotrimoksazol 2 children 2 x tablets a day for 5 days
o Amoksisilin 30 - 50mg/kgBB per day for 5 days
o either erythromycin 20 - 40 mg / kgBB per day for 5 days


Epilepsy is a disease with a marked tendency for
experienced recurrent convulsions.
attackted form is the most common strain that began with
loss of consciousness, loss of control of the movement and the occurrence of convulsions and tonic
klonik members or on the body.
Deviation of functional brain attackted are relapse. Aberration organic
also in the brain can cause epilepsy, so that this possibility should be considered.
From the pattern attackted, epilepsy be top general for example epilepsy epilepsy
grand mal, Petit mal, or mioklonik and partial epilepsy for example, attacks fokal
motor, fokal sensorik.
Clinical picture
- Grand mal seizures often begin with a sense of aura or sink
float. The decline in the awareness, the head turned to one side, the teeth
tight and the loss of bladder control, breath
snore, frothy and mouth can occur inkontinesia. Then there
tonic convulsions throughout the body for 20 - 30 seconds followed by a strain on klonik
members of muscle, muscle back and neck muscles which lasted 2 - 3 minutes.
After missing a strain of weak lie asleep or 3 - 4 hours,
awareness and then gradually recover. After the attack patients are often
in a state of confusion.
- Petit mal seizures, also called the attack lena, begins with the awareness of missing
for 10 - 30 seconds. During phase lena (absence) of motor stopped
and patients still do not act. Sometimes look like there is no attack, but
sometimes arise in the mouth movement klonik or lid.
- The attack mioklonik is a short muscle contraction or groups
- Motor simple partial seizures can be a strain that started in the wrong
one hand and spreading sesisi, while partial seizures can sensorik
a sense of Baal pins or unilateral.

- Simple partial seizures (psikomotor) complex, people lost contact
the environment for 1 - 2 minutes, move the arms and
tungkainya with a strange and without a goal, issued suarasuara
that means no, not able to understand what other people say
and refused assistance. Confusion lasted several minutes and
followed by total healing.
- On Epilepsi primary generalisata, people with experience as a reaction to a strain
the body of the cargo that abnormal. Then the patient may experience
headache, while the weak and felt very tired. Usually people
can not remember what happened during convulsions.
- Stats epileptikus is the most serious strain, the strain occurred
continuously, do not stop. Muscle contraction is very strong, not able to breathe
as appropriate and in the electrical load otaknya spread wide.
If not treated promptly, the damage can occur and the brain of the heart
people can live and die.
Ditegakkan diagnosis based on symptoms presented by others
who witnessed the occurrence of attacks in people with epilepsy and a history
disease earlier.
- The principle of common idiopatik epilepsy therapy is to reduce / prevent attacks,
while organic epilepsy therapy directed against it.
- The spark attacks, such as fatigue, emotional eating or rupture
drugs must be avoided.
- When the attacks occurred convulsions, strived avoid injury from a strain,
for example bited tongue or injury or other injury.
- Step that is important to keep the patient does not drop,
loosen clothes (especially in the neck) and install a pillow
under the head of the patient.
- If the patient does not sadarkan should position themselves to be more dimiringkan
easy to breathe and can not be left alone to actually
conscious and able to move normally.
- Anti-convulsive medicine to prevent the occurrence of further convulsions, usually given
to the people who experience cramps kambuhan. Status epileptikus
is a state of emergency, therefore, anti-convulsive medication was given in doses
the high intravena.

- Wherever possible and use a single drug to start with low doses.
- When a single dose of medication does not effectively use a maximum of two types of drugs with
the lowest dose.
- When the attacks do not think overcame the possibility of disloyalty,
organic causes, the choice and dose of drugs that are less precise.
- If during the 2 - 3 years does not arise again attack, drugs can be stopped
- Options antiepilepsi
Type Kejang Type Drugs
Fokal / Partial
Lena attack
Fenobarbital or fenitoin
Fenobarbital or fenitoin
Fenobarbital or fenitoin
- Babies and children:
o iv 0.2 - 0.3 mg / kgBB / dose (1 mg / year age) was given in 3 - 5
minutes, every 15 - 30 minutes to a maximum total dose of 5 mg, repeated
in 2 - 4 hours if necessary;
o rektal: infants <6 months, is not recommended; <2 years: security and
effectiveness has not been tested; 2 - 5 years: 0.5 mg / kgBB; 6 - 11 years: 0.3
mg / kgBB; • 12 years: 0.2 mg / kgBB.
- To maintain:
Fenobarbital 1 - 5 mg / kgBB / day x 1 day
Fenitoin 4 - 20 mg / kgBB 2 - 3 x day


Diphtheria is an acute infection of the respiratory channels of the top
caused by the bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheriae. More often attacked
The bacteria is Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The bacteria is usually
the respiratory channel, especially laring, tonsil and throat. But
not less toxic and also attacks the skin and even cause nerve damage
and heart.
Clinic picture
- The period of the shoot 2 - 7 days
- People complain pain and swallow breath (stridor),
the children do not often followed by fever, nausea, vomiting, shivering and headache.
- People with shortness of breath appear with or without signs obstruksi breath.
- Not a high fever.
- On examination throat membrane appear grayish white that is easily
bleed when touched.
- Symptoms do not always have this:
§ Stopped roads so that people breath sianosis
§ smell breath
§ bleeding nose
- The enlargement limfe gland in the neck (bullneck)
- Inflamasi with many local eksudat faring, eksudat in a sticky
mukosa gray or dark edema and network software. In the children,
phases of this disease can lead to road obstruksi breath.
- Systemic disease caused by bacterial toxin started 1 - 2
sunday after a local phenomenon. Toxin affects the heart (miokarditis,
aritmia especially during the second week of illness) and nerve system
(paralisis, neuritis 2 - 7 sunday after ONSET disease). When patients
recover from the acute phase of disease, usually recover without deviation broadcaster.

Therapy needs to be decided on the basis of anamnesis and description
Diagnosis is confirmed with a culture of bacteria taken into eksudat
tube to sample bacteria. Samples must dikultur on special media, for that
need to first notify the laboratory. Lear preparat taken 3 days
- Patients asimtomatik given antibiotics profilaktik either erythromycin.
- Patients should simtomatik referred to hospital

NON specific DIARE

Diarrhea is a condition dispose waste water with a lot of liquids and is a symptom
from certain diseases or other interference.
Acute diarrhea is defecate soft / thin liquid consistency, more often
usually accompanied's slimy, smell, and even can be a foamy water only
frekwensi that more often than usual.
Diarrhea is nonspesifik diarrhea that was not caused by bacteria or special
It is a virus, or food that stimulates the kontaminated toxin,
indigestion, and so forth.
Clinical picture
- Fever that often accompany the disease aggravate dehydration. Symptoms
dehydration will not be visible until fluid loss reaches 4 - 5% weight
- Symptoms and signs of dehydration are:
§ Pain thirst, dry mouth and lips
§ The decreasing skin turgor
§ The decreasing weight, hipotensi, weak muscles
§ shortness breath, anxiety
§ sunken eyes, no tears
§ crown of the baby in the cavernous
§ Oliguria and anuria
§ The decreasing awareness, nod
- If lack of fluid reaches 10% or more people to fall in
weight and dehydration can occur if the ongoing shock and death.
Determined from the symptoms defecate repeated more often than usual
with the consistency of soft and liquid.

- WHO has set a key element in 4 of acute diarrhea
§ The provision of fluids, such as efforts rehidrasi oral (URO) to prevent
and treat dehydration.
§ Continuing the provision of food as usual, especially breastfeeding, during the
diarrhea, and in healing.
§ Not using antidiare, while antibiotics and antimikroba
only to cases of suspected cholera, dysentery, or giardiasis or terbukti
§ Provision of effective guidance for mothers and children and their families
about oral rehidrasi efforts at home, signs, and to refer
ways to prevent diarrhea in the future.
- Primary treatment is acute diarrhea and improve rehidrasi
fluid and electrolyte balance. Thus the first step is
specify the degree of dehydration.
degree of dehydration
light - weight are dehydration
general situation
the mouth and tongue
feeling thirsty
skin turgor
well aware
not thirsty
you are welcome
thirsty, you want to
drink lots
slow return
lethargic, not aware
very sunken
very dry
lazy or drink
can not drink
again very
Basic guidelines Medicine Clinic in 2007
- Then do rehidrasi as efforts made to dehydration
as cholera.
- In the patients without diarrhea dehydration: (Terapi A)
§ Provide liquid (water starch, sugar salt solution, oralit) of the desired
to stop diarrhea, as per the instructions given out
o Children <1 yr: 50 - 100 ml
o Child 1 - 4 yr: 100 - 200 ml.
o Children> 5 years: 200 - 300 ml
o Adult: 300 - 400 ml
§ Forward feeding or breastfeeding for infants
- In people with mild diarrhea with dehydration - are (Terapi B):
§ Oralit given 75 ml / kg BB in 3 hours, not the bottle.
§ If the child vomits (because the fluid is too fast), wait 5-10
minutes ago that again, with the slower (one spoonful each
2-3 minutes).
- In patients with diarrhea dehydration weight (Terapi C):
Given Ringer Laktat § 100 ml of divided in some time
§ Every 1-2 hours re-examined the patient, if not improved hidrasi
dipercepat drops. After 6 hours (infants) or three hours (older patients)
patients back in check
Giving the first
30 ml / kg
Provision and
70 ml / kg
infants (<12 days)
> 12 months
in 1 hour
30 minutes
in 5 hours
2.5 hours


Melitus diabetes (DM) is a metabolic disease marked by high
measure plasma glucose (hiperglikemia) caused by interference sekresi
insulin, insulin action or both.
Have type 2 DM on the basis of the start of the disease, namely:
1. Type-1, Insulin dependent Diabetes Melitus (IDDM) or type of youth
On this there is a type of destruction beta cells pancreas, so it does not
insulin producing cells and consequently can not absorb glucose from the blood.
Blood glucose level increased so that the excess glucose was issued through
urine. Type this happens a lot at the age of 30 years and most often starts in
age 10 - 13 years.
2. Type-2, Non-Insulin dependent Diabetes Melitus (NIDDM) or type of adult
This does not depend on the type of insulin, usually occurs at the age of above 40
years with a greater incidence in the fat and old age.
The lack of hormone insulin, which functions as a source of glucose utilizing
sintesa energy and fat.
Type-1 it can not clearly caused by a virus infection
cause auto-immune reaction to cope with excess virus, more than that
descendants of factors holding role.
Type-2 is caused by declining function of beta cells and the cumulation amiloid
the beta cells.
Insufisiensi insulin function caused by the disruption of production or defisiensi
insulin by beta cells langerhans pancreas gland, or due to less
responsifnya cells of the body's insulin.

Clinical picture
a. People often complain that weak, sometimes feels a sense pins or
Baal and itching that chronicles.
b. People in general have poliuria , polidipsia
(lots of drinking) and polifagia (many meals).
c. A decrease in body weight that can not be explained.
d. Besides, people will feel very thirsty, loss of energy, feeling faint
and quickly tired.
e. In the case may go decrease the sharpness of vision
Based on the symptoms of diabetes with the 3P (polifagia, poliuria, polidipsia). Diagnosis
can be ascertained with the determination of blood sugar.
a. When the blood glucose level at 200 mg / dl
b. Fasting blood glucose 126 mg / dl
c. Tolerance Test in Oral glucose (TTGO) obtained results of the examination content
blood sugar 2 hours 200 mg / dl after 75 grams of glucose.
a. Actions undertaken for diabetics, among others; diet with
calorie restriction, exercise occurs when insulin resistance exercise
regularly can minimize it, stop smoking because nicotine can
affect the absorption of glucose by cells.
b. if public action is not effective in lowering blood glucose of
Type 2 diabetes-the oral antidiabetik can be given:
- Klorpropamid start with 0.1 gr / day in the once, the maximum
0.5 mg / day
- Glibenklamid start with 5 mg / day in the once, the maximum
10 mg / day
- Metformin started with 0.5 gr / day in 2 - 3 times a provision, the maximum
2 g / day.
This medicine must begin with the smallest dose. After 2 weeks treatment,
dose can be increased.
c. In the diabetics Type-1 was given insulin for life, not
recommended drinking antidiabetik oral.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Dermatomikosis disease is a fungus on the skin, which is called a medical
also with mikosis superfisialis (the surface of the skin). Meanwhile, from the
different types of dermatomikosis often about the man, known as the
dermatofitosis groups, which is known as scabies / ringworm. While
panu entry in the category dermatomikosis the nondermatofitosis.
- Exposure to fungi often occur. Infection is far more rare.
- Genetic factors play a role in the level of nails and mikosis
- Mikosis on animals (eg cattle, rabbit, cat) spread easily
in humans and cause tinea on the extremity, the body and face.
Clinical picture
- Tinea kutaneus usually have the edge skuama, eritematus and escalate,
circular (ring) and itching.
- On panu, appear scaly The speck of white fine to brown
in the area can be anywhere in the body including the neck and arms. Usually
the axilla, fold thigh, arm, leg up, neck, face and scalp
the blonde.
- Infectious skin fungus is also usually the women. He was going in
skin and vagina until after experiencing a growth stimulus,
that cause infection. Fungus can iritated more than once. With
marked by, among others, the thick, white, buttermilk, such as sewage, inflammation,
and pain during the waste water or during sexual relations.
Sign specific fungus infection on the skin.
With a microscopic examination of skin kerokan who fell ill.
- Tinea usually diterapi with drugs topikal
- Griseofulvin tablets only effective on dermatofit.
- Nistatin only effective in Candida.
- Mikonazol topikal and ketokonazol systemic and effective for dermatofit
- Length of therapy with 1 month derivat azol.
- Dermatofitosis
§ systemic (if given broad lesi)
Griseofulvin micronized 500 - 1000mg a day for 2 - 6 sunday
§ Topikal
The combination acid salisilat 3% to 6% acid benzoat.


Dermatitis is inflammation Atopik skin and chronicles the often residif
on babies and children, accompanied by itching and associated with atopi.
Atopi is the term used for a group of disease on individuals who
have a sensitivity in his family history, such as asthma bronkiale,
rinitis allergy, and dermatitis atopik allergic konjungtivitis.
Generally not known
- In the face, scalp, diaper area that is closed, hands, arms, legs
or leg baby form scabby rash of red and watery.
- Dermatitis often disappeared at the age of 3 - 4 years, although usually
will appear again.
- In children and adults, a rash often appears and relapse again
only in 1 or more areas, especially on the arms, the front sikut
or behind the knee.
- Color, intensity and location of the rash varies, but always rise
- In people with dermatitis atopik, herpes is usually only simpleks
the area of small and light, can cause serious disease
a high fever and eczema (eczema herpetikum).
Diagnosis based on symptoms, physical examination results and
allergic disease in the history of the family.

- Description / counseling to the patient's parents:
The disease is repeated, and it chronicles rarely perfect
going so treatment intended to reduce the itching and
the skin aberration.
In addition to drugs needs to be done to prevent another business relapse:
o Maintain cleanliness, use a soft soap such as baby soap
o Clothing should be thin, light easily absorb perspiration
o Air and the environment is quite cool and ventilated.
o Avoid factors fuse, for example: iritan, dust, etc.
- Systemic
§ Antihistamin classic sedatif for example klorfeniramin to maleat
reduce the itch
§ When there is a secondary infection can be added to systemic antibiotics
or topikal
- Topikal
§ When lesi acute / eksudatif: compress 2 - 3 x daily, 1 - 2 hours with
rivanol solution with 0.1% NaCl or 0.9%
§ Krim are potential kortikosteroid / low, 1 - 2 times a day after
bath, according to the circumstances lesi. When you have improved can be replaced
with a lower potential.
Kortikosteroid potential low: hidrokortison cream 1%, 2.5%
Kortikosteroid potential are: cream betametason 0.1%
§ In the dry skin can be given emolien / moisturizer immediately after

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Human hospes is defenitif some nematoda gut (stomach worms),
that can cause problems for public health. Among the worms
stomach, there are a number of species, which is transmitted through the soil (Soil transmitted
helminths). Among the most important of these worms are worms bracelet
(Ascaris vermicularis), hookworm (Ankylostoma Duodenale, Necator
americanus), and whip worms (Trichuris Trichuria). The types of worms
many are found in tropical regions . In general,
worm eggs survive on land that soggy, the egg to grow into
infektif and ready to go to the human body that is hospes
1. ANKILOSTOMIASIS (hookworm infection)
Disease Report: ICD X:
Hookworm infection is a disease caused by worms Ancylostoma
duodenale and / or Necator americanus. Hookworm suck blood
causing complaints associated with anemia, interference
growth, especially in children and can cause mental retardasi.
Ancylostoma duodenale and / or Necator americanus.
The clinical picture
- Incubation period of between several weeks to several months depending on the
the severity of infection and nutrition situation sufferer.
- At flyblow penetrate the skin, people can experience dermatitis.
When flyblow through the lungs, can occur in the cough-cough
- Due to major worms caused anemia, which is sometimes so
weight to cause heart failure.

The diagnosis was found with the eggs in fresh feces or feces culture
by Harada-Mori.
- Pirantel pamoat 10 mg / kg BB per day for 3 days.
- Mebendazol single dose of 500 mg (once only) or 100 mg a day for 2 x
three days in succession
- Albendazol single dose of 400 mg (once only), but can not be used
during pregnancy.
- Sulfas ferosus 3 x 1 tablet for adults or 10 mg / kg BB / time (for
children) to overcome anemia.
Prevention of this disease include environmental sanitation and hygiene improvement
individuals, especially the use of the footwear.