Monday, April 20, 2009

Vaginoplasty The Making Sex "hot"

The only increased the number of patients who request or vaginoplasty operation strong vagina of late. Can understand, if you have reached the stage of sex is not fun, the husband-wife relationship will be affected. Many patients have a decrease in the pelvis.

With vaginoplasty, improved network perineal and pelvic muscles through the way . Skin vagina akan rapih made in accordance with kencangnya pelvic muscles. Operation can be done with one take days, with little pain and minimal complications. Of course doctors should be done by experts.

Skin vagina is not removed too much because it can cause complications later, such as pain when have sex. Each of the problems that occur must be completed at that time also. This is an effort to get "the size of a small" stimulus to improve the network against vulval and vaginal.

Vaginoplasty can be performed with or without the laser, but the operating principles remain the same. Complications such as bleeding and infection rarely occurs. Fear that some women experienced a normal vagina is too narrow so that sex does not become fun.

Vaginoplasty success depends on the personal and subjective, of operation, the patient, or spouses. The actual size of success is when third parties satisfied. Important for the surgeon to sensitive aspects of the patient and the spouse's emotional because this can help increase the success ratio.

Most patients who do vaginoplasty are those who are experiencing early menopause and those age 30-an. They claim to have sensation and sexual satisfaction are better, including braided relation, after this operation (vaginoplasty).

However, it is important to note also that the sex organ is the most powerful of which is in the ear, the brain. Stimulus to the vulva and klitoris akan received through foreplay, sending positive signals to the brain, which in turn provide sexual satisfaction. However, the stimulus vaginal / vulval still need something that "fit". Meanwhile, vaginoplasty is not the only problem-solving to improve their sex life, can not be denied that something is something that fit that occurred in bed.

Know Your Sex Type

Style sexual behavior and make someone very determined with virginity.

Someone who is closed, aggressive or meek of style and make-ML is also different.

Well, if the type of sex as you? Perhaps one of them match the type following.

1. Closed Type

This type of red-faced to start the sex. Quite free but the communication and physical contact will be intense if you know each other in outside.

2. Type Fantasy

This type is very pleased with the ML mempraktikan style is and what is and is dibayangkannya. They also like to try-try a new style of ML, as well to hear or read, sometimes like a certain style or wanton experimentation.

3. Type of Intellectual

The owners of this type always associate sex with the benefit and happiness, or make sense or not, and how the consequences.

4. Type Maverick

This type of provocative, adventure, and not timid. If they want to have sex can do it anywhere.

5. Type placable

This type is very docile and make the style of which have already been executed. They Neko Neko-less but always want to satisfy spouses.

tips to improve passionate sex after giving birth

House of the harmonious and happy is the ideal husband and wife each pair. Summary of solid and stress can lead to decreased or passionate women frigid. So that the relationship remains a romantic couple, the wife must know how to treat themselves in the outside.

What more for mothers who give birth, and no exercise or sports so that it can cause muscle-muscle femininity become lax, and ovulasi weak or frigit. Slowdown or decline in sex can cause a marital relationship may be less familiar.

Massage can be done to tighten the musculature and slack resources women's sex organs can be therapy. This is without a natural and rational means of bantu.

Then, to maintain quality of the sperm is good, and increase resistance patterns need to eat healthy, exercise and rest.

Moderate use of doping drugs could endanger the health of body organs. Massage can be used to restore the elasticity and kelenturan musculature sex. Area or part of a massage, that is, waist, stomach and pinggul.

Massage movements to generate a nerve-nerve speed secret femininity restore musculature vagina. Become so dense and chewy.

In the stomach there are 20 important point. That can stimulate nerve sensorik and sensible in the sex. Also reinforce menstruasi, clean the womb and increase ovulasi Libido women and fertile womb.

Dots earlier start to the heart of Ulu sicika urinenarin and rectum. Then the liver (liver), bile, pancreas and rectum. And the twist-knot sarafnya among others, point 6 on the painful vertebra pelvis left and right, 3 sore point just above the pelvis. Then 6 point pain in the area pinggul left and right tail bone.

Massage limber waist and increase the passion sexuality, intimate relationships, so are the romantic couple.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Manggo has much Antioxidan and Betacaroten

The fruit is a source of vitamins and nutrients that are important to the body. Many benefits of the fruit for health. One of the fruits of which are source of nutrition mango fruit. Mango consists of many types, but in terms of nutrition almost everyone is not much different.

Fresh mango contains about 82 percent water, 41 mg vitamin C, and energy / Kal 73 calories per 100 grams. In every 100 grams of young mango, mango is still raw, the water are more or less 84 percent, 65 mg vitamin C, and 66 energy Kal. Energy in the young mango low because more substances containing starch, which will turn into sugar in the process of maturation.

Most of this energy comes from the mango carbohydrate form of sugar, which makes it feels sweet. Gynecology sugar is dominated by the sugar sukrosa. Gynecology sugar in mango ranged from 7 to 12 percent. However, the type of mango is sweet, can reach 16 to 18 percent.

Mango is also a source of beta-karoten, potassium and vitamin C. Beta-karoten is a substance in the body are converted into vitamin A (vitamin important for the function of the retina).

Beta-karoten and vitamin C also are antioxidants, the compound can provide protection against cancer because it can neutralize free radicals. Free radical is a molecule-unstable molecules produced by normal chemical processes the body, the sun or cosmic radiation, cigarette smoke and other environmental-impact.

In the body, the majority of free radicals derived from complex chemical processes during oxygen use in cells. Radical-free radical chemicals that are not full can "steal" particles from the molecule-molecule others.

He then produces abnormal compound-compound and create a chain reaction that can damage cells, causing a fundamental change in the genetic material and important parts of other cells.

simple, how free radicals damage body cells, oxygen is the same as the process changes to the paper yellow or become rancid butter. Substances-vitamin antioxidants such as beta-karoten and vitamin C, do not create harmful free radicals with make netral.

Substances-vitamin antioxidants that are abundant in the mango fruit. Gynecology karoten-beta and vitamin C (along with potassium, vitamin A activity, carbohydrate, energy and water) from some kind of mango in each 100 grams can be seen in some libraries.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Positive Thinking Can Lower Weight Loss

Positive Thinking

People who hold positive and always follow a set plan (rule of the game) in his life. With a set of concrete goals and realistic, we have created a standard for achieving the goal with a clear time period.

Do not be trapped in the illusions and expectations that are too much for us to akan mambawa quickly in disappointment. Do it all with the sincere, all of which already exist and set the rate.

Responsible for the lives and actions we do. Once we are able to control life, we start our journey thought positive. "You are what you think, and you feel what you want." With this, you will always be a winner in both time and a survivor at a bad time.

Many things you can do to get their ideal body weight. Strict diet and exercise regularly have significant evidence for this.

But you know that positive thinking can also help reduce body weight? Aspects in mind as I think the act can cause emotions that affect the body.

Dr. Candace pert and research team has proven that the mental has a positive influence not only the mind but also body. Research has proven the existence of the relationship between mind, body and how to think.

The body produces hormones Peptine. Hormone is to send a message to the network's mind to influence how the body reacts in a happy and stress. Changes in behavior and emotions from the point of negative to positive is very good for health and weight management.

So, try out the negative thoughts in your brain for a better life!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Dysentery comes from the Greek, namely dys (= interference) and enteron (= intestine), which means that the intestinal inflammation that cause widespread symptoms, blood mixed with feces mucus symptoms dysentery include:
• Dispose of water with bloody feces
• Diarrhea with a thin little volume
• Dispose of water mixed with feces lenders (mucus)
• pain when defecate (tenesmus)

1. Bacteria (dysentery basiler)
o Shigella, the most important cause of dysentery and tersering (± 60% of cases of dysentery, and almost all referred cases of dysentery and threaten the lives caused by Shigella Escherichia coli enteroinvasif (EIEC)
o Salmonella
o Campylobacter jejuni, especially in infants
2. Amoeba (amoeba dysentery), caused by Entamoeba hystolitica, most often in children aged> 5 years
Transmission: fecal-oral, through food / water terkontaminasi, person-to-person contact.
Dysentery basiler
Shigella and EIEC
MO -> colonization in the ileum terminalis / kolon, especially kolon invasion to intestinal cells epitel mukosa -  distal> multiplikasi -> intrasel and dissemination intersel -> production enterotoksin -> ↑ camp -> hipersekresi intestine (diarrhea liquid , diarrhea sekresi). -> Production eksotoksin (Shiga toxin) -> sitotoksik -> inflammation cell infiltration -> nekrosis cells epitel mukosa -> ulkus-ulkus small -> eritrosit out to plasma and intestinal lumen -> blood mixed with feces. -> Invasion to the lamina propia? -> Bakteremia (especially in the infection S.dysenteriae serotype 1)
MO -> colonization in the jejunum / ileum / kolon -> invasion to intestinal cells epitel mukosa -> invasion to the lamina propia -> infiltration cellular inflammation -> Prostaglandin synthesis -> production of heat-labile cholera-like enterotoksin
 invasion to plaque Peyeri -> dissemination to KGB mesenterium -> hipertrofi -> decrease in blood flow to mukosa -> nekrosis mukosa -> ulkus echo -> eritrosit and plasma to lumen exit -> blood mixed with feces.
MO -> colonization in the jejunum / ileum / kolon -> invasion to intestinal cells epitel mukosa -> invasion to the lamina propia -> infiltration cellular inflammation -> Prostaglandin -> heat-stabile production of cholera-like enterotoksin -> sitotoksin production? -> Nekrosis mukosa -> ulkus -> eritrosit and plasma to lumen exit -> blood mixed with feces. -> Entrance to the circulation (bakteremia).
Dysentery amoeba
Histolitika form (trofozoit) -> invasion to intestinal cells epitel mukosa -> nekrosis network mukosa  intestinal enzyme production histolisin -> invasion to the network submukosa -> ulkus amoeba -> ulkus out each other and form a sinus-related sinus submukosa -> malabsorpsi -  damage the surface absorpsi> ↑ intraluminal mass -> osmotik intraluminal pressure -> osmotik diarrhea.
Dysentery basiler
• Diarrhea is accompanied by sudden blood and mucus in the feces. On dysentery shigellosis, at the beginning of pain, watery diarrhea can be found in the blood without first 6-24 hours, and after 12-72 hours after the beginning of pain, blood and mucus was found in the feces.
• Summer High (39.50 - 400 C), appear toxic.
• Vomiting, vomiting.
• Anoreksia.
• Pain Management in the stomach cramps and pain in the anus while CHAPTER.
• Sometimes accompanied with symptoms resembling encephalitis and sepsis (cramps, headache, letargi, rigid cervix, halusinasi).
Dysentery amoeba
• Diarrhea with blood and mucus in the feces.
• Frequency CHAPTER generally less than dysentery basiler (≤ 10x/hari)
• severe stomach Pain Management (kolik)
• constitutional symptoms usually do not have (only found in the hot 1 / 3 cases).
Clinical diagnosis can ditegakkan simply find excrement mixed with blood. Diagnosis is usually difficult ditegakkan etiology. Etiology of diagnosed through clinical picture alone is difficult, while the feces culture examination for the agency is often the cause need not be done because it takes a long time (at least 2 days) and symptoms generally improve with empirical antibiotic therapy.
Supplementary examination can be done:
• Vetting feces
o Makroskopis: a dysentery amoeba can ditegakkan when found in the feces of trofozoit
o Benzidin test
o microscopic: fecal leukosit (indication of kolitis), fecal blood.
• feces culture:
o Media: so MacConkey, xylose-lysine deoxycholate (XLD), to SS.
• Routine blood examination: leukositosis (5,000 - 15,000 sel/mm3), sometimes can be found leucopenia.
1. Dehydration
2. Electrolyte disturbances, especially hiponatremia
3. Strain
4. Protein Loosing enteropathy
5. Sepsis and DIC
6. Sindoma Hemolitik Uremik
7. Malnutrition / malabsorpsi
8. Hipoglikemia
9. Prolapsus rektum
10. Reactive arthritis
11. Guillain-Barre syndrome
12. Ameboma
13. Toxic megacolon
14. Local perforation
15. Peritonitis

1. Note the general condition of children, if children appear toxic, less nutritional status, do the examination of blood (if possible accompanied by blood culture) to detect the existence of bakteremia. If there is suspected sepsis, provide appropriate therapy penatalaksanaan sepsis in children. Waspadai of sepsis shock. 2. Component therapy dysentery: a. Correction and maintenance fluid and electrolyte. b. C. Diet Antibiotics d. Sanitation
Ad. a. Correction and maintenance fluid and electrolyte
As in the cases of acute diarrhea in general, the first thing that must be considered in penatalaksanaan dysentery after assessment of the situation is stable and the corrections to the status hidrasi and electrolyte balance.
Ad. b. Diet
Children with dysentery should be the provision of food. Provide high-calorie soft diet and protein to prevent malnutrition. Single high dose of vitamin A (200,000 IU) can be given to lower levels of illness dysentery, especially in children suspected of having defisiensi. To shorten the illness, can be given sinbiotik preparation and zinc oral8, 9. In the provision of medicines, must be observed that drugs that slow the intestinal motilitas should not be because of the risk to extend the period of illness.
Ad. c. Antibiotics
• Children with dysentery should have suspected shigellosis and get the appropriate therapy. Treatment with appropriate antibiotics will reduce the pain and decrease the risk of complications and death. • Options for the main Shigelosis (according to the WHO recommendation): Kotrimokasazol (trimetoprim 10mg/kbBB/hari and sulfametoksazol 50mg/kgBB/hari) in 2 divided doses, for 5 days. • From the results of the research, the difference is not obtained the benefit of kotrimoksazol compared placebo10. • The alternatives can be provided: o Ampisilin 100mg/kgBB/hari divided in 4 doses o Cefixime 8mg/kgBB/hari divided in 2 doses 50mg/kgBB/hari o Ceftriaxone, single-dose IV or IM o acid nalidiksat 55mg/kgBB/hari divided in 4 doses. • Repairs should appear in 2 hours, for example, heat down, pain and blood in the feces decreased, CHAPTER reduced frequency, etc.. In 2 days if not improvement, antibiotics should be discontinued and replaced with alternatives. • Terapi antiamubik with the indications given: o Found trofozoit Entamoeba hystolistica in microscopic feces. o bloody feces settling after therapy with 2 antibiotics successively (each given for 2 days), which is usually effective for dysentery basiler. • Terapi selected as intestinal antiamubik on children is Metronidazol 30-50mg/kgBB/hari in 3 divided doses for 10 days. When the dysentery caused by E. hystolistica, akan situation improved in 2-3 days therapy.
Ad. d. Sanitation
Tell children to parents to always wash hands with clean  postwar clean up feces to prevent children autoinfeksi.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Prevent hearth desease with Delima juice Pomegranate

Pomegranate (Punica granatum) are generally planted in the lowland. Grow well in various climatic conditions, require quite fertile land. Fruit more or less the size of oranges or apples, with skin the color of dark red or brown.
In some countries the Middle East, for centuries, Delima? He said of the original French; pome garnete, means "apple seeds? Has been used as traditional medicine, in addition to the course material so that refreshing dish. Similarly in our country.
Perhaps, the root bark save many compound-alkaloid compound, such pelletierin, can be used as helminthic. While the collision fruit or useful to stop diarrhea or dysentery. Then, water, flowers can be used as stew alternative pereda toothache.
Besides alkaloid, in the root bark, stem bark and fruit, especially the skin, are a nutritious substances tanner decrease pore-pore, antiseptic, and hemostatik good for keputihan. Mentioned Anorital and Yuningprapti (1995), pomegranate rind, including the slightly toxic and have power antibakteri against Salmonella typhi.
However, the ability of pomegranate seems not only that. Specifically relating to the manner of fruit, after the juice is made? Results of the research, although still a beast in the experiment? Prove severeness other.
Dr. Claudio Napoli, professor of clinical medicine and Pathology at the University of Naples School of Medicine, Italy, with colleagues, through experiments on mice, proved, fruit juice can be relied upon to prevent the cumulation of fat along the arterial wall. That is, the fruit juice is able to prevent heart disease. Disebutkannya, mouse heart cells that pomegranate juice dicekoki increased 50 percent nitrogen oxide production (nitric oxide / NO) is, and tereduksi development plaknya up to about 30 percent (
High antioxidants
Many people think that penebalan constringency and coronary arterial wall, which is the main cause of heart attack, triggered by Feed excessive LDL cholesterol. In fact, according to Cooper? Author Antioxidant Revolution? Events are not necessarily occur if there is no other trigger. Thou free radicals, which are activated by various factors, including cigarette smoke, air pollution, and excessive sports.
Free radicals will oxidize LDL cholesterol particles and make them break. Cells-white blood cell (makrofag) in the arterial wall will attempt to LDL particles that have been damaged in a way "eat up".
Unfortunately, after the process, the cells makrofag can not escape from the LDL cholesterol. Swollen cells produced, called foam cells, then paste in the arterial vessel wall, forming the plaque and cause constriction. Until eventually there kardiovaskuler a severe disease and may also attack the heart.
In fact there are efforts that can be done so that the plaque is not too late to be a "hard", ie with mengasupkan antioxidants. Akan antioxidants to protect LDL cholesterol is not teroksidasi by free radicals. Makrofag further unnecessary fuss "eat" teroksidasi particles, and the arterial wall will automatically clean the cells of the yeast cell-menempelinya.
Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants, even higher than most fruits that have been tested (see table). Thus, this fruit can be relied upon to repel the attack of free radicals. So, no need to wonder if the rat-mouse dicekoki that pomegranate juice has a healthy arterial wall, to terjauhkan from a heart attack may be attacked.
However, not only because the fetus oksidannya heart attack can be prevented. Up in the furore pomegranate NO should also be calculated.
In terms of heart health, NO, the molecular imut-imut the disintesis by cell endotel this, will act as relaksan (endothelium-derived relaxing factor / EDRF), the smooth muscle tonus. Many preparation vasodilator widely used in angina treatment pektoris, such as nitroglycerine, work by increasing the formation of this compound.
Make pomegranate juice
Despite the many experts on the results with the sentence, "still too early to concluded," not dare to recommend to dijagokan to prevent heart disease, not a bit too optimistic with that fact.
Apart from all that, one thing worthy of note, until this time there is no single report that mentioned the negative effect of pomegranate juice mengonsumsi. Except for "fraction" bijinya, called Lee and Watson (1998), can cause irritation and trigger the occurrence of cancer esofagus. In other words, you can enjoy the pomegranate juice? Without mixture "fraction" bijinya? Anytime you like in order to enjoy the sweet, refreshing taste.
In addition to be drunk directly, pomegranate juice can also "disulap" to preserve, sauce, or syrup. How to make it easy to be calculated. Place the pomegranate seeds berselimut a clear liquid in food processor or blender and process until the form of juice.
Separate digit strainer with muslin or a meeting? In general, the size of a pomegranate are able to produce about three-quarter cup of beans or half a cup of juice.
If the juice is shaped, that can be stored a long time, freeze and store the juice in the hermetic vessel. In this way, pomegranate juice can hold up to a period of about six months.