Thursday, January 8, 2009

Diabetes tips

Melitus diabetes (DM) or diabetes is a disease that often affects and can cause quite a serious aberration in the eye. RETINOPATI DIABETIKA (RD). The country forward RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD) is one of the main causes of blindness in the productive age. Risk of blindness will be increased in line with the long suffering DM, therefore very important for us to know better DM complications in the eyes and know what can be done, so that it can reduce the risk of blindness because RETINOPATI DIABETIKA.


Research has found that the duration of DM are important factors to the risk of a RD. DM for 17-25 years have a 90% risk for the occurrence of RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD). Fakto-factor which is a risk factor is Hypertension, Smoking, kidney disease and anemia. Diabetes can cause some other eye diseases such as cataracts and galukoma.

HOW RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD) SEBABKAN blindness? RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD) can cause blindness through some meknisme, namely: - Leakage of blood plasma damaged retina, causing swelling and damage. - Bleeding into the cavity Vitreus, so that cover the way rays. - The scar dirongga vitreus network so that it can cause ablasio retina. - A decrease in the flow of blood central keretina (makula iskemik).




WHAT RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD) TERKONTROL BE? Strict control of blood sugar reduces progresitifitas RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD). Blood pressure is well controlled and kidney function that can be good also to improve the situation retinopati. WHAT CAN LASER treatment MENGOBATI RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD)? Laser treatment is very important, the goal is to stabilize the laser and prevent disease progresitifitas worsen. It is very important is that the laser treatment does not always improve network vision. Complications of laser dangat rare, usually arise not feel comfortable and arasa glare. Suddenly decrease in vision immediately arise after made laser. Other complications are bleeding cold, exposed to laser Makula, glaucoma, Makula swelling, decrease in vision and a decrease in reading Perifer night vision.


Action needs to be done on the operating conditions as follows: - Perdarah Viterus long time, usually 4-6 sunday setealh blood is not absorbed. - There is a release, layer retina, especially on the area makula. - The complications glaucoma.

- Infection

- Ablatio Retina (2-3%)

- Bleeding back to 50%


- Keeping the blood sugar controlled

- No smoking

- Reducing the movement-gerakn that can cause bleeding

- Control eyes regularly.

- Vision of Melitus Diabetes can usually be saved.

- RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD) can occur without symptoms to give

- Early detection is to prevent blindness.

- Medicine and laser surgery can be very effective in the treatment RETINOPATI DIBAETIKA (RD).

High Minus and eyes complications

Miopia (minus) can be classified as myopia simpleks and myopia patologis. Miopia simpleks usually mild myopia and patalogis almost always progressive. This is usually derived parents on their children.

Miopia high sau is one cause of blindness at the age of under 40 years old. Miopia with high myopia is dioptri size 6 or more.

Patients with minus 6 over dioptri will cause 3-4 times more for the occurrence of complications in the eyes.

What kind of complications that can occur due to high minus

Cataracts subkapsular


Makula degeneration

Rags retina

Ablasio Retina

Bleeding Retina / Vitreous

Why can tingggi minus sebabkan Ablasio Retina?

Usually, people with frequent high-minus depletion and degeneration didaerah perifer retinanya. Dilution liquid vitreus happened earlier.

This condition causes high risk of occurrence and retina hole Ablasio Retina.

Complaints should diwaspadai is the spot light spot (Floaters) and Kilatan Lights?

Correction of myopia can be done on

* Glasses
* Lenda Box
* Laser (LASIK)
* Operation

What is LASIK?

LASIK stands for Laser Insitu Keratomileuisis? the action is operating Refraktif Eye Surgery.

How is making? cornea,? ablasi be opened and the laser on the cornea stroma, and the Flap? closed again without a stitch.

Indikasinya is Miopia to 15d. Hiperopia to 5D and astigmat to 4D. This is a very dipengaruhioleh indication kornra central thickness.

Benefits of LASIK is predicted better, more stable, very minimal pain, rapid rehabilitation of vision and the risk of low turbidity cornea.

Complications that can occur even though rare, is the Over Under Correction Correction perletakan not perfect, night vision problems and infections

What action will cause LASIK Complications Retina?

Up to now, not the retina due to complications of LASIK. Akan but minus the retina at high risk still have to prevent complications, so people usually have high minus regularly review the situation to his retina examination and prevention measures such as laser profilaksis.


Hiperemesis gravidarum is excessive vomiting occur until the age
22 sunday pregnancy. Vomiting can be so great is all that is eaten
and drink again.
It is not yet known. Some of the causes of the theory:
1. Increased estrogen
2. Increased hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
3. Disfungsi psychic
Clinical picture
The clinical hiperemesis gravidarum divided into 3 levels, namely:
1. Level I
- Vomiting is ongoing, relief food and intolerance against
drinks, body weight decreased, epigastrium pain, vomiting first exit
food, mucus and bile and only a little phlegm, bile fluid
and the last blood out.
- Nadi increased to 100 times per minute and blood pressure sistole
- Deep-set eyes and dry tongue, decreased skin turgor and still urin
2. Level II
- More serious symptoims, vomiting all that is eaten and drunk , thirsty
- Subfebril, rapid pulse and more 100 - 140 times per minute, blood pressure
sistole less than 80 mmHg,
- Apathetic, pale skin, tongue, dirty, sometimes ikterus there, there aseton, bilirubin
and body-weight rapidly decreased.
3. Level III
- Disturbances awareness (delirium, coma), a decrease or stop vomiting,
ikterus, sianosis, nistagmus, heart disturbances, and bilirubin

1. Amenore with the severe vomiting (all that will be eaten and drunk
dimuntahkan), daily work disrupted and thirsty.
2. Vital functions: increased pulse 100 times per minute, blood pressure decreased on
the weight, interference and subfebril awareness (apathetic-comma).
3. Physical examination: dehydration, the weight, pale skin, ikterus, sianosis,
body weight decreased, porsio software on vaginal Touche, according to large uterus
gestasi age.
4. Laboratory: relative increase in hemoglobin and hematokrit, shift to the left,
keton objects and proteinuria.
1. Diet
a. Diet hiperemesis I hiperemesis given the level III. Food only
the form of bread and dried fruits. Not provided with liquid
food, but after 1-2 hours. Food is less oxygen in the oxygen -
nutrients except vitamin C because it provided only for a few days.
b. Diet hiperemesis II when given a sense reduced nausea and vomiting. The
gradually start given food nutrition value is high.
Drink not provided with food. This food is low in
all substances-vitamins except vitamin A and D.
c. Diet hiperemesis III is given to patients with mild hiperemesis.
According to the ability of beverages can be supplied with
food. Food in all of this enough vitamin except calcium.
2. In the case of:
- Stop eating / drinking while per oral (24 - 48 hours).
- Infus dextrose 5% or 10%: RL = 2: 1, 40 drops per minute.
- Drugs:
§ iv Vitamin B: Vitamin B1, B2 and B6 each 50 - 100
mg / day / infus, Vitamin B12 and 200 mcg / hr / infus,
§ Penenang minor: Fenobarbital 30 mg im 2 - 3 times per day or
Klorpromazin 25 - 50 mg per day, or diazepam 5 mg 2 - 3 times per day
§ Antiemetik: prometazin 2 - 3 times 25 mg per day or klorpromazin
3 mg 3 times per day
§ Antasida 3 x 1 tab per day per oral
- Consider referred to the hospital.


Acute hepatitis virus infection is an infection of the heart as by one of
fifth hepatitis virus (virus A, B, C, D or E); inflammation appear
and lasted only for a few sunday.
Virus Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E.
Clinical picture
- Symptoms usually appear suddenly, in the form of:
§ decrease in appetite
§ does not feel well
§ nausea
§ vomiting
§ fever.
- What happened and joint pain relief biduran (itchy-itchy skin), especially if
the cause is infection by the hepatitis virus B.
- Some days later, urine color changed to dark and more
arising yellow (jaundice). At this time symptoms disappeared and other people
feel better, even if the jaundice worsened.
- Can symptoms arising from kolestasis (interruption or reduction in the flow of bile)
feces in the form of pale color and itching all over the body.
- Jaundice usually reaches its peak on sunday to 1 - 2, and
disappeared on sunday to 2 - 4.
- Diagnosis based on symptoms and results of blood examination
heart function.
- On physical examination, teraba soft-hearted and sometimes quite swell.
- Diagnosis is sure if the blood found on the examination of virus protein
antibody to the virus or hepatitis.
- If there is acute hepatitis is very heavy, then the patient treated at home
sick, but hepatitis A does not usually require special treatment.
- After several days, appetite appears again and people do not need to
lie. Food and activities need not be limited to patients
and do not need extra vitamins.
- Most people can return to work after the jaundice disappears,
although the results of the examination heart function is not fully normal.
- Hygiene is good to help prevent the spread of hepatitis virus
A. People with very infeksius feces. On the other hand, people do not need to be deported;
isolation at less only help the spread of hepatitis A, but
not at all prevent the spread of hepatitis B and C.
- The likelihood of a spread of infection through blood transfusion can be reduced
using the blood that has been through a screening for hepatitis
B and C.
- Vaccination stimulates the formation of hepatitis B immune and
provide effective protection.
- Vaccination hepatitis A was given to those who have risk
high, for example, the traveler who visited the area where the disease
This is usually found.
- For hepatitis C, D and E have not yet found a vaccine.
- For those who get the vaccination has not been exposed but have hepatitis,
can get to preparat antibody protection, the serum globulin.
Giving antibody aims to provide immediate protection against
hepatitis virus.
- To the babies born from mothers who are suffering from hepatitis B immune
globulin hepatitis B vaccination and hepatitis B. This combination can prevent
chronicles the occurrence of hepatitis B in about 70% of infants.