Monday, February 9, 2009


Anemia can be classified according to several criteria, but the most
is a practical grouping based on how the occurrence of post-Anemia
bleeding, anemia hemolitik, defisiensi anemia, anemia and anemia aplastik
because of violence.
Production of blood that is not enough (because defisiensi or bone marrow failure),
excessive blood loss, excessive destruction of blood or a combination
of these factors.
Loss of blood and chronicles the blind, for example, on ankilostomiasis,
cause anemia defisiensi Fe, while the other occurred between hemolisis
defisiensi on G6PD and talasemia.
Clinical picture
- Anemia due to a sudden loss of blood and many will drive the
homeostatis compensation body. Acute blood loss of 12 - 15%
will give symptoms of pale, takikardia with normal blood pressure or
low. Lost 15 - 20% cause the blood pressure started to go down
shock, and loss of 20% could result in death.
- Anemia defisiensi marked with a limp, often pulsatile, tired and hot -
headache. Papil tongue atrofi appear. Heart swell and sometimes there
murmur sistolik. Edge appears in the blood picture and anemia hipokrom
mikrositer, while a low serum iron womb.
- Defisiensi acid and vitamin B12 anemia folat cause megaloblastik
which may be accompanied by symptoms of neurologi.
- Anemia hemolitik can be followed by increased blood bilirubin (ikterus).
Spleen generally swell.
- Anemia aplastik visible from a low level of Hb and other systemic symptoms,
without organ enlargement.
Examination and blood Hb level edge.
general Hb <12 g / dl.
- The success of treatment depends on the ability to enforce
diagnosis on the initial level.
- Anemia agter bleeding overcome with blood transfusion as much as 10 - 20
ml / kgBB, or plasma expander. If you do not have both, liquid intravena
other can also be used.
- Impact can be slow with packed red cell transfusion.
- Anemia defisiensi fe can solve with meal, sulfas ferosus
10 mg / day kgBB 3 x Metal or rudimentary 1mg/kgBB/day
- Anemia megaloblastik treated specific, because it must be
cause, defisiensi vitamin B12 or defisiensi acid folat.
Dose of vitamin B12 100 mcg / day im, for 5 - 10 days as initial therapy
rumat therapy followed by 100-200 mcg / month until Remisi achieved.
Dose folat acid 0,5 - 1mg/hari the oral for 10 days, followed
with 0.1 - 0.5 mg / day.
Use of oral vitamin B12 is not useful in anemia pernisiosa.
Besides oral sediaan more expensive.
- Hemolisis autoimun overcome with prednison 2 - 5 mg / kgBB / day peroral and
testosteron 1 - 2 mg / kgBB / day iv, for the long term.
- Blood transfusion given only when needed only.
- Refer to hospital