Thursday, March 5, 2009

Allergies in Children

Allergies in children not simply as we never know. Previous often we hear that the allergic symptoms are cough, runny nose, itchy and congested. While allergies can attack all organs without exception, from the tip of the hair to toe with a variety of hazards and complications which may occur. Later revealed that the allergic complications of dangerous enough, because the reaction can all disrupt the body's organs or systems, including our brain disfunction. Because that is the interference function of the brain arising and development of behavioral disturbances in children, such as disruption of concentration, emotional disturbances, speech delays, disruption of concentration to aggravate symptoms of ADHD and autism.

When you see the extent of such interference is happening and the number of organs that subject, it seems a reaction is a "systemic disease". When there can understand opinion, that the expression is too excessive because all the complaints are always associated with allergy. However, this opinion will loss, when many people with the allergy, it is true and correct harassment complaint that was going on himself. In this case supported by scientific research and reports from various scientific disciplines who associate the various symptoms that are allergic to it.

Controversy Allergies

In some forty years of controversy allergic diseases are often faced by society in general. A doctor forbids certain types of food, allow doctors other food while other doctors say that is because a lot of interference because of the food reaction. If medical experts have different opinions are sharp, then the people become confused because of various different doctors. The controversy should we trust the fact that experienced by children. When you avoid a certain food then a lot of interference and interference organs behavior can be reduced. Parents can share experiences with parents who have children with complaints of chronic allergies. They will recount how jahatnya food allergy.

Know ALERTS AND SYMPTOMS allergic to Baby

Clinical manifestations Allergies relating to child

Frequent cough, cough duration (> 2 weeks), runny nose, ( night and morning day lost) sinusitis, sneezing, nosebleed. tonsilitis (tonsillectomy), packed, raucous voice.

Gland enlargement in the neck and head back down.

Frequently hematoma on foot / hand as the former hit.

Skin ulcer relief, redness, The speck of white and black used as mosquito bitten. Often rub the eyes, nose or ear. Ear excessive dirt.

Sore muscles & bones repeated night. Frequent urinating, bed wetting (Ngompol)

Frequent vomiting, stomach pain, It's hard to eat with less body weight (usually after the age of 4-6 months).

Sariawan often, the tongue often white / dirty painful gum / teeth, halitosis, excessive saliva, dry lips.

Discard the water is often large (> 2 times / day), difficult to defecate (obstipasi), small rounded black dirt like dirt goat, hard, often un-wind, mired in the pants.

Sleep late at night / are often awakened.

Head, foot / hand often hot .sweating (excessive)

Itchy eyes, break out in the eyelid, eye blinking frequently, using a glass eye since very young age (6-12 years of age).

Hormonal disturbances: grow hair in feet / hands,

Frequent headaches, migraine.

Early detection manifestation of a reaction to Baby

Clinical manifestations often associated with the allergy sufferer in the baby.

INTERFERENCE digested Channels: Frequent vomiting / gumoh, , "hiccup", often un-wind, often "ngeden / mulet", often fussy / restless / COLIK especially at night), often defecate (> 3 times per day), not CHAPTER every day, dysentery. Hernia Umbilikalis (protruding navel), Scrotalis, inguinalis ( prick the fruit or navel or "hernia") so often because the pressure in the stomach increases.

Sensitive skin, often arising reddish spot or ulcer, especially in the cheeks, ears and a closed area nappies. Crust in the area of the former black .grow hair such as mosquito bitten. Eye, ear and the area around the hair often itchy, accompanied gland enlargement in the back of the head. Excessive dirt ear a bit smelly sometimes.

White tongue often arise (such as mushrooms). Lips appear dry mouth or the middle of the darker color (blue).

stridor breath, sometimes accompanied by a cough, especially the night and morning day lost. Babies like this often at risk when a cough or coughing are often long (> 7hari) and excessive sputum)

Stertorous new born baby with thimus belly gland (TRDN / TTNB). Babies like this according to research at risk of asthma before the age of pre.

Frequent sneezing, runny nose, nose dirt lots, often head to one of the sloping sides (so that the head at risk "peyang") because the nose is clogged, or drink only one dominant side of breast. Because the nose is clogged and breathing with the mouth of the drinking breastmilk often choke

Eyes are often watery stool or haunting eyes (belekan), one side / both sides.

Often sweating (excessive)

Due to excessive drinking or drinking have often result in more weight loss and obesity (age <1tahun)

struma nodule thryroid


They are classified in different ways:

  • A "diffuse goiter" is a goiter that has spread through all of the thyroid (and can be a "simple goitre", or a "multinodular goitre").
  • "Toxic goiter" refers to goiter with hyperthyroidism. These most commonly due to Graves' disease, but can be caused by inflammation or a multinodular goiter.
  • "Nontoxic goiter" (associated with normal or low thyroid levels) refers to all other types (such as that caused by lithium or certain other autoimmune diseases).

Other type of classification:

  • I - palpation struma - in normal posture of head it cannot be seen. Only found when palpating.
  • II - struma is palpative and can be easily seen.
  • III - struma is very big and is retrosternal. Pressure and compression marks.


Worldwide, the most common cause for goiter is iodine deficiency. In countries that use iodized salt, Hashimoto's thyroiditis becomes the most common cause.

Other causes are:


Iodine is necessary for the synthesis of the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). In endemic goitre, iodine deficiency leaves the thyroid gland unable to produce its hormones because the hormones are made out of iodine. When levels of thyroid hormones fall, thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) is produced by the hypothalamus. TRH then prompts the pituitary gland to make thyrotropin or thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which stimulates the thyroid gland’s production of T4 and T3. It also causes the thyroid gland to grow in size by increasing cell division.

Nodular goitre of a young woman.

Goiter is more common among women, but this includes the many types of goitre caused by autoimmune problems, and not only those caused by simple lack of iodine.


Treatment may not be necessary if the goitre is small. Goiter may be related to hyper- and hypothyroidism (especially Graves' disease) and may be reversed by treatment of hyper- and hypothyroidism. Graves' disease can be corrected with antithyroid drugs (such as propylthiouracil and methimazole), thyroidectomy (surgical removal of the thyroid gland), and iodine-131 (131I - a radioactive isotope of iodine that is absorbed by the thyroid gland and destroys it). Hypothyroidism may raise the risk of goitre because it usually increases the production of TRH and TSH. Levothyroxine, used to treat hypothyroidism, can also be used in euthyroid patients for the treatment of goitre. Levothyroxine suppressive therapy decreases the production of TRH and TSH and may reduce goitre, thyroid nodules, and thyroid cancer. Blood tests are needed to ensure that TSH is still in range and the patient has not become subclinically hyperthyroid. If TSH levels are not carefully monitored, it is alleged that levothyroxine may increase the risk of osteoporosis but no peer reviewed studies on levothyroxine replacement of Hypothyroid patients causing this effect have actually been produced.

Thyroidectomy with 131I may be necessary in euthyroid goitrous patients who do not respond to levothyroxine treatment, especially if the patients have difficulty breathing or swallowing. 131I, with or without the pre-injection of synthetic TSH, can relieve obstruction and reduce the size of the goitre by thirty to sixty-five percent. Depending on how large the goiter is and how much of the thyroid gland must be removed or destroyed, thyroidectomy or 131 may produce hypothyroidism requiring life-long treatment.


The symptoms of goiter are mainly the swelling of the front part of the neck and protruding eyes.