Thursday, December 29, 2011

Itchy Red Spot For Food Allergy Symptoms

Itchy rash or urticaria is also often called a common result of various food allergies or allergies to cow's milk. About 20% of acute itchy rash is associated with the digestion of food allergy triggers, such as milk, peanuts, eggs, chocolate, fish or some kind of fruit.

Food allergies related to itchy red spots mostly appear immediately on the baby's mother. In a matter of hours or at least a matter of days, the red-red, itchy and swollen directly spread throughout the body, face, lips, tongue, throat and ears. Itchy area is in the baby's mother can develop increasingly widespread.

The link between red itchy spots and food allergies.

The mechanism of the body's allergic reaction to an abnormal release of chemicals called histamine in the body, causing the appearance of itchy red spots.

When histamine circulates in the body's skin cells and skin capillaries, endothelial cells will trigger an inflammatory reaction or inflammation with capillary fluid leakage that causes itching on the skin.

Type of itchy red spots.

According to the duration of the appearance of itchy reaction, we can categorize itchy red spots in the acute type, where the itch came a few minutes after infection until several hours or even several weeks. Chronicle, where the reaction can last more than a month.

Itchy red spots and Edema

Edema of the skin is a skin condition caused by a harsh red itchy spots where fluid accumulates in the skin of the swollen tissue. Apart from the itching, the skin may be less sensitive because of the pressure on sensory nerves. This can occur for the same reason the occurrence of itchy red spots on the release of histamine under the skin.

Edema can occur anywhere but usually appear on hands, face, all mucous membranes, mouth, tongue and throat. This condition can be very dangerous because it can cause anaphylaxis and should be treated in the emergency room immediately.

Diagnosis and treatment of itchy red spots.

In general, itchy red spots can easily be identified and the investigation will be very useful to know the cause, especially in the case of itchy red spots due to food allergy and cow's milk. This is done with an elimination diet that is issued one after the allergen that may be a trigger and identify them. Journal Diary feeding or feeding will be very helpful to record every food and reactions that arise.

To reduce the reaction itchy red spots (but not to eliminate the cause) can be used with an antihistamine medication that hinders the effects of histamine. This treatment should be done under the advice and supervision of a doctor.

Here are tips that can mothers do to reduce the itching that is:

Keep skin cool
Reducing motion to reduce heat
Bath with lukewarm water
Do not scratch, better use a moisturizing cream that advised doctors to reduce the itching and prevent dry skin.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

physiological Sex

Sex therapist and author of Sex Matters ®, LouAnne Cole Weston, PhD, presented 10 reasons or causes are most often experienced by women, your wife or your loved one when they become excited or refuse to have sex: 1. The use of contraceptives. Some women will experience decreased sexual drive or desire pill due to household consumption (or other types of hormonal treatment to control pregnancy such as patches, rings, or injections). 2. Consumption of antidepressants. Not every woman will decrease his passion, but mostly just experience it. 3. Breastfeeding a child. When wife is breastfeeding, the content of prolactin (a hormone that triggers milk production) may reduce sex drive. 4. Lack of sleep. For most women, sleep was more important than sex when prior relationships with men. 5. Stress. Various pressures of the job, financial problems, education, stress, family, and other problems in life clearly influential. When stress increases, many women can not choose sex as a solution to ease it. 6. Arguments with spouse. Any relations or relations of course will be faced with the challenge of either conflict or desire. This will affect a woman's desire to make love. 7. Low levels of testosterone. The hormone testosterone is also present in the female body and the levels in total blood flow in determining the sexual function of women. Measuring levels of testosterone in the body is also important to reveal the possible physiological causes for low female sex drive. 8. Tinggnya SHBG hormone. Women who memiilki SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) in high numbers are usually not eager to have intercourse. SHBG is a protein that binds testosterone and makes it unavailable to the needs - the needs of the female body. This is what will lower a woman's libido. 9. Fears / anxiety in intimacy. Inability to control the level of intimacy that emerge and are maintained in a relationship is the reason that often arise from decreased sex drive partner. Anxiety usually occurs because the woman had received workers' experiences in the past. 10. Appearance / body shape. Women who see or think of themselves not attractive either for couples or himself could lose confidence and eventually reduce arousal.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Strawberries health benefits – healing properties of strawberries

Strawberries health benefits – Find out diseases that can be prevented or treated with these miraculous berries.

You’ve heard it before that a diet reach in vegetables and fruits can help you combat cardiovascular disease, cancer, and prevent or delay the onset of many of the effects of aging. It’s a statement that can’t be denied. About strawberries has been said a lot of things and many of you know about allergy caused by these berries. But we’ll try to focus only on positive qualities of strawberries.

Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, manganese, dietary fiber, iodine, potassium, folate, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin K, riboflavin, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium and copper.

It has been shown that strawberries significantly reduce liver cancer cells due to ellagic acid present in them. It also can be found in many red fruits and berries including raspberries, blackberries, and cranberries and of course strawberries. Ellagic acid prevents the destruction of P53 gene by cancer cells and can also bind with cancer causing molecules making them inactive.

Studies have shown that strawberry consumption can increase anti-cancer activity on cancer cells of the breast, oesophagus, skin, colon, prostate and pancreas.
An interesting study was carried out on a group of 1000 elderly people, and found that those eating the most strawberries had a risk of developing cancer that was only 33% of the risk in those eating none.
A study published by Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry shown that regardless of the cultivars, strawberries reduce significantly the rate of cancerous liver cells.

Like many other berries, strawberries contain high amounts of antioxidants; in particular anthocyanins type 2 and ellagitannins. Anthocyanins have been shown by several studies to be effective in reducing risks of developing cancer, cardiovascular disease and inflammation-related diseases. Anthocyanins have a function similar to cyclooxigenase inhibitors (such as aspirin) but without side effects being a safer version of aspirin in their anti-inflammatory proprieties. A study at Lane University suggests that the high levels of antioxidants in these berries help neutralize the destructive effects of free radicals helping repairing the tissues by giving a boost of vitamin C. Strawberry extracts have also been shown to inhibit COX enzymes in vitro, which inhibits the inflammatory process. Anthocyanins contained in strawberries greatly reduces the rate of mutation in cells, which is a direct measure for the risk of developing cancer and diseases such as atherosclerosis.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Best Source of Fiber Vegetables But Not Fruit

Fruits and vegetables are 2 types of food are the most fiber. But do not rely on fruit alone to meet the needs of fiber, to give more servings of vegetables because vegetables are the best sources of fiber.

Within a day, people ideally need as much as 20-25 grams of fiber intake. Medium-sized apple that is eaten with the skin on average is able to provide up to 3.8 grams of fiber or more than 20 percent of daily fiber needs.

This means that with 5 apples only, actual daily fiber requirement can be met. But nutrition experts from Karawaci Siloam Hospital, Dr. Endang Darmoutomo, MS, SpGK suggested should not all met the needs of fiber from fruits.

"In plants, the fruit is a place to store excess energy. If humans store excess energy as fat, vegetable store in the form of sugar," said Dr. Endang press conference "3 Ring Pfizer Cholesterol Care" in Senayan City.

If needs be met entirely of fiber from fruits, then not only fiber but also the sugar obtained. The problem is, humans also get sugar in the form of carbohydrates and other sugars in foods and beverages.

Excess sugar if not balanced with physical activity will lead to increased levels in the blood and trigger risk of hyperglycemia in diabetics. Excessive sugar will also lead to obesity because the excess energy in the body is converted into fat.

Another case when the requirement is also fulfilled through the vegetable fibers are not as much sugar in fruits. A total of whatever vegetables are eaten, the effect is only satiety but does not make fat because fiber will not be digested by the body.

Dr. Endang Prompts for emphasis on eating vegetables is not intended to limit the eating of fruit, because after all there are other content is needed such as vitamins. Only for the affairs of the fiber, Dr. Endang asserted that vegetables should be given more servings of fruit.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis ("hay fever") is the most common of the allergic diseases and refers to seasonal nasal symptoms that are due to pollens. Year round or perennial allergic rhinitis is usually due to indoor allergens, such as dust mites, animal dander, or molds. It can also be caused by pollens. Symptoms result from the inflammation of the tissues that line the inside of the nose (mucus lining or membranes) after allergens are inhaled. Adjacent areas, such as the ears, sinuses, and throat can also be involved. The most common symptoms include:

Runny nose
Stuffy nose
Nasal itching (rubbing)
Itchy ears and throat
Post nasal drip (throat clearing)

In 1819, an English physician, John Bostock, first described hay fever by detailing his own seasonal nasal symptoms, which he called "summer catarrh." The condition was called hay fever because it was thought to be caused by "new hay."

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tips to Prevent Hair Loss

Hair is the crown for every woman. While men often have problems with baldness. Hair Loss is one problem that often happens to us. To fix, try some of these tips:

1. Avoid combing hair while wet.
Just leave your hair dry naturally. Wet hair is more easily separated if interested in the slightest. Habit of combing your hair when wet must stop start caring for and loving your hair so you do not have hair loss.

2. Select a comb with teeth that rare.
If you use a scarf or hat to wear, you should comb your hair first (you should use a fertility drug hair & hair loss treatments for your hair). This will make your hair neat at the same time to wake up with blood circulation in the head.

3. Do not overuse hair dryer or hair dryer.
If you're forced to use it should use a low temperature. Note also the distance with a hair dryer. Keep the distance is approximately 10-15 cm from the hair shaft. Frequency of dry hair will make your hair moisture damaged.

4. Frequently Letting or break your hair.
Especially when you sleep. Eliminate the habit of tying or pinning hair firmly. It can make your hair brittle and fall out. Also custom hair tie can make your hair growth is not good.

5. To keep moisture from hair, you should use protective head like a scarf, hat or umbrella when you are in the sun or use.

6. To be more healthy hair and also look fashionable, often to change the line parts and style your hair.
Changing parts of the same scalp avoid sun exposure in the long run. It can prevent hair loss slowly.

7. Perform maintenance on the hair in particular at least a minimum of 2 weeks.
Do activity creambat, masks and hair spa to beautify and nourish your hair. You crave a beautiful and healthy hair? Follow these tips from now on.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kidney Disease
(Renal Disease)

The Facts on Kidney Disease

The kidneys, each about the size of a fist, play three major roles:

* removing waste products from the body, keeping toxins from building up in the bloodstream
* producing hormones that control other body functions, such as regulating blood pressure and producing red blood cells
* regulating the levels of minerals or electrolytes (e.g., sodium, calcium, and potassium) and fluid in the body

After the blood has circulated through the body, it passes into the kidneys. The kidneys filter waste products and excess salt and water out of the blood, and pass these out of the body as urine. The kidneys also make hormones that control blood pressure, as well as maintain bone metabolism and the production of red blood cells. It's a serious problem when the kidneys stop working. Waste products that build up in the body cause imbalances in chemicals needed to keep the body functioning smoothly.

There are many different types of kidney diseases. Kidney diseases can lead to end-stage renal disease (ESRD), a condition in which the kidneys fail to work normally. People with kidney failure need to receive dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Causes of Kidney Disease

The most common causes of kidney disease include diabetes, high blood pressure, and hardening of the arteries (which damages the blood vessels in the kidney). Some kidney diseases are caused by an inflammation of the kidneys, called nephritis. This may be due to an infection or to an autoimmune reaction where the body's immune or defence system attacks and damages the kidneys. Other kidney diseases, such as polycystic kidney disease are caused by problems with the shape or size of the kidneys (anatomic disorders), while other kidney diseases interfere with the inner workings of the kidneys (metabolic disorders). Most metabolic kidney disorders are rare, since they need to be inherited from both parents.

Other common causes of kidney failure include certain medications that can be toxic to kidney tissue, and blockages of the system that drains the kidneys (which can occur with prostate problems).

I think I have overactive bladder: What do I do now?
Symptoms and Complications of Kidney Disease

The symptoms of kidney disease depend on the type of disease that a person has. If the disease is caused by a bacterial infection, the person will develop a high fever. Other signs of kidney disease include passing too much or too little urine, or passing blood or abnormal levels of chemicals in the urine. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is a kidney disease in which the kidneys cannot remove enough water from the urine to make it concentrated.

Mild to moderate kidney disease often does not have any symptoms. However, in ERSD or uremia, when the toxins accumulate in a person's blood, symptoms may include:

* puffy eyes, hands, and feet (called edema)
* high blood pressure
* fatigue
* shortness of breath
* loss of appetite
* nausea and vomiting
* thirst
* a bad taste in the mouth or bad breath
* weight loss
* generalized, persistent itchy skin
* muscle twitching or cramping
* a yellowish-brown tint to the skin
* urine that is cloudy or tea-coloured

Kidney disease usually does not cause pain, but in some cases pain may occur. A kidney stone in the ureter (a tube leading from the kidney to the bladder) can cause severe cramping pain that spreads from the lower back into the groin. The pain disappears once the stone has moved through the ureter.

Kidney disease can lead to both acute and chronic kidney failure, both of which can be life-threatening. Acute kidney failure happens suddenly within hours to days, whereas chronic kidney failure happens gradually over a period of months to years. Acute kidney failure can often be reversed if the underlying disease is treated. In both conditions, the kidneys shut down and can no longer filter wastes or excess water out of the blood. As a result, poisons start to build up in the blood and cause various complications that can affect various body systems. Chronic kidney failure eventually reaches an end stage. This condition occurs when the kidney is working at less than 10% of full capacity. At this stage, the person will need dialysis or a kidney transplant to be able to go on living.
Diagnosing Kidney Disease

Unless the kidneys are swollen or there's a tumour, your doctor can't usually check for disease by feeling the kidneys. Instead, your doctor might test the urine and blood, take a scan of the kidneys, and test samples of kidney tissue. A routine urine test, called a urinalysis, checks for protein, sugar, blood, and ketones (created when the body breaks down fat). The urine is tested with a dipstick, which is a thin piece of plastic covered with chemicals that react when they touch substances in the urine. Your doctor will also check for red and white blood cells in the urine during a urinalysis (the urine is examined using a microscope). Depending on the suspected cause of the kidney problem, other tests may also be done.
Treating and Preventing Kidney Disease

Treatment of kidney disease depends on the type of disease, the underlying cause, and the duration of the disease.

When treating kidney disease, your doctor will try to treat the original cause. Kidney infections can be treated with antibiotics if the infection is caused by bacteria. Inflammation due to an immune reaction is more difficult to treat. However, your doctor will try and control the immune reaction with immunosuppressant medications such as corticosteroids. These work only in some types of nephritis (inflammation of the kidney). Some people have to eat less salt and protein until the kidney can remove these substances from the blood properly. Taking a diuretic medication (or "water pills") to make the body excrete more water and salt can also help control the swelling associated with kidney disease.

If someone has acute kidney failure, treating the underlying cause will often return kidney function to normal. In almost all cases of kidney failure, it is very important for high blood pressure to be treated aggressively to prevent further damage from occurring and to delay the progression of the disease.

Dialysis or transplantation treats end-stage kidney failure. In hemodialysis, blood is filtered through a tube that's inserted in the vein. The tube is connected to a machine that cleans the blood of wastes and the "clean blood" is returned to the body through another tube. Hemodialysis is usually performed in a hospital in three 4-hour sessions a week. In peritoneal dialysis, the space between the abdominal wall and organs is filled with a cleansing solution that absorbs toxins from the abdominal lining. The solution is then drained out into a bag. This procedure is done at home one to four times a day, seven days a week or overnight using a cycling machine.

In kidney transplantation, diseased kidneys are replaced with a healthy one. Kidney transplants usually work at least 80% of the time. The greatest danger is that the body might reject the transplant. To prevent this, transplant recipients are given powerful medications to suppress the immune system; these have the potential drawback of making one more susceptible to infections and to some types of cancer. The risks are usually worth it since the new kidney improves a person's chance for a normal and health life.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

candy-like tobacco products as dangerous as smoking

FARMINGTON — The Davis County Health Department hit the ground running this week after receiving $10,000 to educate youth and camel orbsparents of the dangers of candy-flavored tobacco products.

On Tuesday, Davis County commissioners approved a contract with the Utah Health Department for the funds which will be used to begin an education campaign against the products, health officials say are being marketed to young people.

Most of the products aren’t on the shelves of Utah retailers yet, but they are being test-marketed at locations throughout the country, and they will eventually be here said Sam North, a health educator with the Davis County Health Department.

The products, marketed under brand names like Orbs, Strips and Sticks, usually come in small packages which can be mistaken for breath mint or candy packages.

Only Snus, a no-spit tobacco pouch meant to be placed under the upper lip, has found its way to Utah.

And they come in fruit flavors like peach. “I’ve smelled them and they smell pretty good,” North said.

He said the flavors are such that many adults would not be drawn to using them, but kids with their sweet tooths may find them attractive.

But make no mistake about it they do have nicotine, North said, which offers a “buzz,” something like smokers get from inhaling a cigarette.

The department has already received the grant and has begun putting together educational materials through the Davis County Youth Council. Once the material is compiled, the department will be in junior and senior high schools throughout the county to share the dangers of the products.

North said they will also be educating parents and will eventually meet with area city councils.

He added that those making the presentations in schools will have samples of the products to show kids. “They have a candy-like structure and a candy-like flavor.”

He said teens who know about the products are aware of the dangers, but parents are often shocked that the tobacco companies are marketing to children.

North said the tobacco companies in their own defense point out that the packages have child-proof safety packaging, “but adults, who also often have trouble opening the packages will pour them into a plastic bag which a child can get into,” he said.

That leads to more calls to the poison control centers for people with nicotine poisoning.

In the past, the department’s health educators have warned that if a child ingested as few as three Orbs, a dissolvable breath-mint sized tobacco, with a camel imprinted on each, they would get ill and ingesting 10 could result in a serious illness.

North said the dangers of prolonged use are similar to the effects of chewing tobacco and could lead to sores or even cancer of the mouth or tongue if enough are ingested.


Smoking May Actually Be Healthy For You

Smoking may actually help reduce the risk of breast cancer in some women, according to a study, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The study found that smoking reduces by 50 percent the risk of developing breast cancer in women who have a rare genetic mutation that can lead to to the disease.

Studies have shown evidence of an inverse relationship between smoking and the risk of contracting Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease. In fact, most studies show that the more one smokes, the lower the risk level.

Scientists reported at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting that they're encouraged they can design medications to capitalize on the benefits of nicotine without cardiovascular and other side effects. Apparently, they found that Nicotine-like compounds can improve memory and might one day be used in pills to treat disorders like Alzheimer's disease. [CBS Marketwatch, Nov 8, 1998]

What Is the Leading Cause of Death in America?

Is cigarette smoking the single most preventable cause of premature death in the United States?

* The CDC estimates 434,000 smoking related deaths per year in the U.S.
* The number of babies that die from abortion in the United States is 1.2 million a year.

A definitive review and close reading of medical peer-review journals, and government health statistics shows that American medicine frequently causes more harm than good. The number of people having in-hospital, adverse drug reactions (ADR) to prescribed medicine is 2.2 million. Dr. Richard Besser, of the CDC, in 1995, said the number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually for viral infections was 20 million. Dr. Besser, in 2003, now refers to tens of millions of unnecessary antibiotics.

The number of unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed annually is 7.5 million. The number of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million. The total number of iatrogenic deaths is 783,936. It is evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States. The 2001 heart disease annual death rate is 699,697; the annual cancer death rate, 553,251.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


In medicine, a catheter is a tube that can be inserted into a body cavity, duct, or vessel. Catheters . In most uses, a catheter is a thin, flexible tube ("soft" catheter), though in some uses, it is a larger, solid ("hard") catheter. A catheter left inside the body, either temporarily or permanently, may be referred to as an indwelling catheter. A permanently inserted catheter may be referred to as a permcath.

The ancient Syrians created catheters from reeds. "Katheter - καθετήρ" originally referred to an instrument that was inserted such as a plug. The word "katheter" in turn came from "kathiemai - καθίεμαι" meaning "to sit". The ancient Greeks inserted a hollow metal tube through the urethra into the bladder to empty it and the tube came to be known as a "katheter".

The modern application of the catheter was in use at least by 1868 when Dr. N.B.Sornborger patented the Syringe and Catheter (patent #73402) with features for fastening it to the body and controlling the depth of insertion.

A range of polymers are used for the construction of catheters, including silicone rubber, latex, and thermoplastic elastomers. Silicone is one of the most common choices because it is inert and unreactive to body fluids and a range of medical fluids with which it might come into contact. On the other hand, the polymer is weak mechanically, and a number of serious fractures have occurred in catheters. It is widely used, for example, in breast implants where failures by rupturing of the silicone shell are well attested. It is also used in Foley catheters where fractures have been reported, often requiring surgery to remove the tip left in the bladder.

David S. Sheridan was the inventor of the modern disposable catheter in the 1940s. In his lifetime he started and sold four catheter companies and was dubbed the "Catheter King" by Forbes Magazine in 1988. He is also credited with the invention of the modern "disposable" plastic endotracheal tube now used routinely in surgery. Prior to his invention, red rubber tubes were used, sterilized, and then re-used which often led to the spread of disease and also held a high risk of infection. As a result Mr Sheridan is credited with saving thousands of lives.

In the early 1900s, a Dubliner named Walsh and a famous Scottish urinologist called Norman Gibbon teamed together to create the standard catheter used in hospitals today. Named after the two creators, it was called the Gibbon-Walsh catheter.

The Gibbon and the Walsh catheters have been described and their advantages over other catheters shown. The Walsh catheter is particularly useful after prostatectomy for it drains the bladder without infection or clot retention. The Gibbon catheter has largely removed the necessity of emergency prostatectomy. It is also very useful in cases of urethral fistula. A simple procedure such as dilatation of the urethra and passage of a Gibbon catheter often causes the fistula to close. This catheter is also of use in the treatment of urethral stricture and, as a temporary measure, in the treatment of retention of urine caused by carcinoma of the prostate

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Collection of pus that has spread from a tooth to the network in the area,
usually comes from an infection.
Abses this happens from dental infection that contain fluid (pus) flowed to the gums
so that the gums are in the stands near the teeth.
Clinical Overview
- At the checkpoint appears to swelling around the tooth pain. When abses
There are at the top of the front teeth, swelling can be up to the eyelid,
abses teeth while back on the cause swelling to the cheek.
Abses teeth cause swelling down to the chin and ear or
- People sometimes fever, sometimes can not open the mouth wide.
- Dental shaky and sick time swallowing.
The gums with inflammation around the tooth pain.
- Patients are encouraged gargle with warm water
- Simtomatik: Parasetamol (if necessary)
Adults: 500 mg 3 x daily,
children: 250 mg 3 x daily.
- If there is a clear infection, can be given Amoksilin for 5 days
Adults: 500 mg 3 x daily,
children: 250 mg 3 x daily.
- When there are indications, should be revoked after a dental infection calm and refer to the dentist


AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) is a collection of symptoms
diseases caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
HIV virus is found in body fluids, especially in the blood, sperm fluid,
vagina fluids and breast milk. These viruses damage the immune system
human and cause a decline or loss of power so that the body
easy to contract the disease infection.
HIV is a virus, a type of retrovirus that among the viruses
using RNA as molecular genetic information carrier.
Clinical Overview
- Category A includes clinical HIV infection without symptoms (Asymptomatic), limfa
denopati generalisata a set of primary and acute infection with the disease
- Category B consists of the clinical condition with symptoms in adolescent / adult
HIV infection is not included in category C and meet the most
less one of several criteria, the following:
A) conditions associated with HIV infection or the
diperantarakan damage to the immune cells (cell mediated immunity)
B) The condition is considered by doctors who have been handling the clinical need
Dealing need or due to complications of HIV infection
with examples:
Angiomatosis basilari; Kandidiasis orofaringeal; Kandidiasis vulvovaginal;
Displasia cervix; 38.5 OC fever or diarrhea for more than 1 month;
Hairy oral leukoplakia; Herpes zoster; Purpura idiopatik trombositopenik;
Listeriosis; pelvic inflammation disease; peripheral Neuropati
- Category C includes clinical symptoms were found in AIDS patients
for example:
Kandisiasis bronki, trakea and lungs; Kandidiasis esofagus; Cervical Cancer
Invansive; Coccidiodomycosi or spread in the lungs; in Cryptococcosis
Treatment guidelines in the Basic health 2007
outside the lungs; Retinistis virus sitomegalo; Ensefalopati related
with HIV; Herpes simplex or ulkus chronicles more than a month
length; bronchitis, pneumonia or esofagitis; Histoplasmosis spread
or outside the lungs; Isosporiasis instestinal chronicles more than a month long;
Sarkoma kaposi; burkit lymphoma (or any other term that indicates lesi
similar); lymphoma imuno blastik, L.primer in the brain; Micobacterium Avium
Complex or M.lansii spread outside the lungs; where M.tuberculosis
(outside the lungs, or lungs); Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia; Leukoensefalopati
multifokal progressive; Septikemia salmonella are repeated;
Taksoplasmosis in the brain.
Was based on clinical symptoms and examine the blood.
In a blood test can be performed directly against the HIV virus or
indirectly by determining the anti-body, which has more and
easily implemented. Currently, many types of tests that have the sensitivity and
spesifitas high available.
Medicine / Management
Currently there are three classes of antiretroviral drugs available in Indonesia:
Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Enzyme inhibitor (NsRTI): This drug is known
as analog nukleosida that hamper the process of RNA virus changes
into DNA. This process is necessary so that the virus can bereplikasi. Medicine
in this group, including zidovudine (ZDV or AZT), lamivudine
(3TC), didanosine (ddI) zalcitabine (ddC), stavudine (d4T) and abacavir
Non-Nucleside Reserve Trancriptase Enzyme inhibitor (NNsRTI): This drug
although with different NRTI also impedes the process of change in RNA
into DNA. Dalamgolongan these drugs, including Nevirapine (NVP),
efavirenz (EFV), and delavirdine (DLV).
Protease Enzyme inhibitor (PI): The medicine is working hamper the enzyme protease
The chain cut zest into long-acid protein that is more
small. Drugs in golonganini including indinavir (IDV), nelfinavir (NFV),
saquinavir (SQV), ritonavir (RTV), amprenavir (APV), and
lopinavir / ritonavir (LPV / r).


Amubiasis is a disease caused by intestinal protozoa. Protozoa are
living in the colon, causing inflammation and acute chronicler called amubiasis
intestinal. If not treated amubiasis intestinal worm to be outside the intestine and
amubiasis cause extra-intestinal.
Entamoeba histolytica
Clinical Overview
- The period of incubation average 2 - 4 weeks.
- Amubiasis the colon or acute dysentery amuba provide dysentery syndrome symptoms
which is a collection of symptoms consisting of a slimy and bloody feces,
tenesmus anus, stomach pain and sometimes accompanied by fever.
- In amubiasis chronicles people complained of diarrhea and stomach pain with a
- In amubiasis are sometimes ekstraintestinalis found amubiasis history intestine.
- Collaboration amubiasis hearts usually fever, pain in the hearts swell with press
abdomen, especially in the area on the right, sweaty, no appetite, weight
the body down and ikterus.
- Amubiasis kutis and perinealis cause ulkus the edge resonant,
while amubiasis vaginalis cause leukore with blood spot
and mucus.
- Amubiasis acute colon: E.histolytica found in the form of histolitika
liquid excrement.
- Amubiasis chronic colon: find a cyst in the form of E.histolytica
feces. If not found, the inspection should feces repeated 3 days berturutturut.
Serologic can be done to support the diagnosis
Treatment guidelines in the Basic health 2007
- Amubiasis heart: to find form in the biopsy histolitika E.histolytica
abses wall or pus aspirations. If not found ameba can be done
serologic diagnosis to amubiasis.
- Metronidazol drugs is a choice for amubiasis intestine and amubiasis
Adult dose: 500 - 750mg 3 x per day for 7 - 10 days.
Doses of children 1 year: 50 mg / kgBB 3 x daily, for 7 - 10 days.
- Amubiasis ekstraintestinalis require longer treatment. By
therefore need to be referred.
- Prevention includes the improvement of health and hygiene environment for individuals,
dip the vegetables and fruits are suspected of less clean.
- Cyst person may not work in the field of food preparation and

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pseudotumor Cerebri

What is pseudotumor cerebri?

Pseudotumor cerebri literally means "false brain tumor." It is likely due to high pressure within the skull caused by the buildup or poor absorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The disorder is most common in women between the ages of 20 and 50.

What are the symptoms of pseudotumor cerebri?

Symptoms of pseudotumor cerebri include symptoms that closely mimic large brain tumors:

* headache,

* nausea,

* vomiting, and

* pulsating sounds within the head.

How is pseudotumor cerebri treated?

* Obesity, other treatable diseases, and some medications can cause raised intracranial pressure and symptoms of pseudotumor cerebri.

* A thorough medical history and physical examination is needed to evaluate these factors.

* If a diagnosis of pseudotumor cerebri is confirmed, close, repeated ophthalmologic exams are required to monitor any changes in vision.

* Drugs may be used to reduce fluid buildup and to relieve pressure.

* Weight loss and cessation of certain drugs (including oral contraceptives, tetracycline, and a variety of steroids) may lead to improvement.

* Surgery may be needed to remove pressure on the optic nerve. Therapeutic shunting, which involves surgically inserting a tube to drain CSF from the lower spine into the abdominal cavity, may be needed to remove excess CSF and relieve CSF pressure.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Vitamin A

Vitamin A to increase endurance and Eye Health

Does Vitamin A is it?
Vitamin A is one of the micronutrients needed by the body that is useful to increase body resistance (immunity) and eye health.

Vitamin A deficiency

● Lack of Vitamin A (VAD) in children who are in evacuation areas to make them vulnerable to various infections defect, so easily hurt.

● Children who suffer from lack of vitamin A, when stricken with measles, diarrhea or other infectious diseases, the disease will worsen and can lead to death. The infection will inhibit the body's ability to absorb nutrients and at the same time will erode the savings run out of vitamin A in the body.

● Lack of vitamin A for long periods of time will also be husband's dance interference with the eye, and if the child does not immediately get the vitamin A will result in blindness.

● Babies who are not breastfed have a higher risk to suffer from VAD, because milk is a source of vitamin A is good.

How to Prevent KVA
Vitamin A can be obtained from milk or foods of animal origin (milk, chicken meat, liver, eggs) or from green vegetables red and yellow fruits (mango, papaya)

In emergency situations, where natural food sources become very limited, vitamin A capsule supplementation is very important to increase endurance to disease.

How to Get Vitamin A Capsules
Vitamin A high dose of either blue or red, do not be traded and given away for free in health center

Dose Vitamin A capsules for Infants and Children
As prevention efforts in the disaster area, one capsule of vitamin A blue with a dose of 100,000 IU given to all infants aged 6-11 months, vitamin A red capsule with a dose of 200,000 IU for all children aged 12-59 months, and children ages 5-12 years.

High-dose vitamin A capsule safely given with a minimum distance a month. However, when the child turns out to consume vitamin A capsules at intervals of less than one month, usually will not happen poisoning in children. If a child is found to consume more than one capsule within a period of one month, immediately report to health care workers.

Dose Vitamin A capsules to Mother post partum
Mother during childbirth need to get two red capsules of vitamin A dose of 200,000 IU. Giving the first capsule is given immediately after birth, and a second capsule with an interval of at least 24 hours, no more than 6 weeks after delivery.

Vitamin A capsules should not be given to pregnant women because the dose is too high for the fetus.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Masturbation can be defined as self-stimulation to cause sexual excitement. The use of the word masturbation suggests that the person is manipulating his or her genitals to the point of intense pleasure or orgasm. An orgasm is a period of intense excitement in which genital muscles enter into a series of highly pleasurable contractions or movements, and is different for males and females. According to a national study, 95 percent of males and 89 percent of females said that they have masturbated at some point in their lives. For teens, 94 percent of males and 70 percent of females admitted to masturbating.

While masturbation can involve another person, it is often a private act. According to the Alice! Health Promotion Program, masturbation is a healthy way to express and explore your sexuality and release sexual tension. Other health professionals generally agree that private touching is a natural, normal mode of self-exploration and sexual expression.

Before You Masturbate
There are no harmful side effects to masturbation. In fact, there is no chance of pregnancy or STDs as is the case with intercourse. However, frequent masturbation can cause irritation, so consider a water-soluble lubricant.

Ask Your Physician
There is such a thing as chronic or compulsive masturbation. If masturbating is interfering with school, work or other aspects of your life, you may want to consider talking to someone about why you are doing it so often.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which levels of glucose (simple sugar) in the blood is high because the body can not release or use insulin adequately.

Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas, which is responsible in maintaining normal blood sugar levels. Insulin incorporate sugar into cells so that it can produce energy or stored as energy reserves.

Well, how much blood sugar levels, called high? According to the diagnostic criteria Perkeni (Society for Endocrinology Indonesia) 2006, a person is said to have diabetes if you have a fasting blood sugar> 126 mg / dL and on tests when> 200 mg / dL.

Blood sugar levels vary throughout the day which will increase after the meal and returned to normal within 2 hours.

Normal blood sugar levels on the morning after the night before fasting is 70-110 mg / dL of blood. Blood sugar levels are usually less than 120-140 mg / dL at 2 hours after eating or drinking liquids that contain sugar or other carbohydrates.

Normal blood sugar levels tend to increase in mild but progressive (gradually) after age 50 years, especially in people who are not actively engaged.

Increased blood sugar levels after eating or drinking stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin, which prevents blood sugar levels rise further and cause blood sugar levels slowly decreased.

There are other ways to lower blood sugar levels by performing physical activity such as exercise because muscles use glucose in the blood to be used as energy.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sudden Cardiac Death

AHA Scientific Position

Sudden death from cardiac arrest is a major health problem that's received much less publicity than heart attack. The American Heart Association supports implementing the "chain of survival" to rescue people who suffer a cardiac arrest in the community. The adult chain consists of

* Early Recognition of the Emergency and Activation of Emergency Response System (phone 9-1-1 immediately)
* Early CPR
* Early Defibrillation
* Early Advanced Care

What is sudden cardiac death?

Sudden cardiac death (also called sudden arrest) is death resulting from an abrupt loss of heart function (cardiac arrest). The victim may or may not have diagnosed heart disease. The time and mode of death are unexpected. It occurs within minutes after symptoms appear. The most common underlying reason for patients to die suddenly from cardiac arrest is coronary heart disease (fatty buildups in the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle).

An estimated 294,851 emergency medical services-treated out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in the United States each year.

What causes sudden cardiac death?

All known heart diseases can lead to cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death. Most of the cardiac arrests that lead to sudden death occur when the electrical impulses in the diseased heart become rapid (ventricular tachycardia) or chaotic (ventricular fibrillation) or both. This irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia) causes the heart to suddenly stop beating. Some cardiac arrests are due to extreme slowing of the heart. This is called bradycardia.

In 90 percent of adult victims of sudden cardiac death, two or more major coronary arteries are narrowed by fatty buildups. Scarring from a prior heart attack is found in two-thirds of victims. When sudden death occurs in young adults, other heart abnormalities are more likely causes. Adrenaline released during intense physical or athletic activity often acts as a trigger for sudden death when these abnormalities are present. Under certain conditions, various heart medications and other drugs — as well as illegal drug abuse — can lead to abnormal heart rhythms that cause sudden death.

The term "massive heart attack" is often wrongly used in the media to describe sudden death. The term "heart attack" refers to death of heart muscle tissue due to the loss of blood supply, not necessarily resulting in a cardiac arrest or the death of the heart attack victim. A heart attack may cause cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death, but the terms aren't synonymous.

Can the cardiac arrest that causes sudden death be reversed?

Brain death and permanent death start to occur in just four to six minutes after someone experiences cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest is reversible in most victims if it's treated within a few minutes with an electric shock to the heart to restore a normal heartbeat. This process is called defibrillation. A victim's chances of survival are reduced by 7 to 10 percent with every minute that passes without CPR and defibrillation. CPR can double or triple a cardiac arrest victim's chances of survival. Few attempts at resuscitation succeed after 10 minutes. If someone becomes unconscious, call 9-1-1 immediately. They may be suffering from sudden cardiac arrest.

What are treatments for survivors?

If a cardiac arrest was due to ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation, survivors are at risk for another arrest, especially if they have underlying heart disease.

Survivors of cardiac arrest must have all causes corrected to prevent future episodes. Possible causes include myocardial ischemia (inadequate blood flow to the heart muscle), arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm), etc.

Possible tests and treatments include

* cardiac catheterization
* electrophysiologic tests
* coronary artery bypass surgery
* balloon angioplasty or PCI (PTCA)
* antiarrhythmic medicine
* implantable cardioverter / defibrillator
* implantable pacemaker
* heart transplant

Saturday, February 5, 2011

What Chemicals Are In Tobacco Smoke? What Is Cigarette Smoke?

Experts say that cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 different compounds. A significant number of them are toxic (poisonous) and can damage our cells. Many of them are carcinogenic (cause cancer).

Below is some information on a few compounds found in tobacco smoke, the most abundant ones, tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide are at the bottom of this list:

* Acetaldehyde - this chemical is used in resins and glues. It is believed to be a carcinogen. Experts say it is likely that it facilitates the absorption of other dangerous chemical into the bronchial tubes.
* Acetone - this chemical is used in solvents. It irritates the eyes, nose and throat. Long-term exposure can damage the liver and kidneys.
* Acrolein - commonly used in herbicides and polyester resins. It is also used in chemical warfare. Acrolein is an ingredient in tear gas. It is very poisonous and irritates the eyes and upper respiratory tract.
* Acrylonitrile - also known as vynil cyanide. Experts believe it is a human carcinogen. It is used in synthetic resins, rubber and plastics.
* 1-aminonaphthalene - in ingredient in weed killers. It is a known carcinogen.
* 2-aminonaphthalene - this substance causes bladder cancer. It is banned in industrial uses.
* Ammonia - it is known to cause asthma and raise blood pressure. Ammonia is used in cleaners.
* Benzene - used in gasoline, causes several cancers, including leukemia
* Benzo[a]pyrene - this chemical is found in coal tar pitch, and creosote. It is a known carcinogen, especially for lung and skin cancers. It can also undermine human fertility.
* 1,3-Butadiene - it is used in latex, rubber and neoprene products. Experts believe it is most likely a carcinogen.
* Butyraldehyde - this chemical affects the lining of the lungs and nose. It is used in solvents and resins. It is a powerful inhalation irritant.
* Cadmium - a known carcinogen. It damages the brain, kidneys and liver. Cadmium is used in non-corrosive metal coatings, storage batteries, pigments, and bearings.
* Catechol - it elevates blood pressure and irritates the upper respiratory tract. It can also cause dermatitis. Catechol is used as an antioxidant in oils, inks and dyes.
* Chromium - known to cause lung cancer. It is used in wood treatment, wood preservatives, metal plating and alloys. Those involved in welding have the greatest risk of exposure.
* Cresol - acute inhalation can cause throat, nasal and upper respiratory irritation. It is used in disinfectants, wood preservatives and solvents.
* Crotonaldehyde - a warning agent in fuel gasses. Experts say it messes up the human immune system. It can also cause chromosomal changes.
* Formaldehyde - part of the resin used in foam insulation, plywood, fiberboard and particleboard. It can cause nasal cancer, as well as damaging the digestive system, skin and lungs.
* Hydrogen Cyanide - some states use this chemical in their gas chambers for executions. It weakens the lungs and causes fatigue, headaches and nausea. It is used in the production of acrylic plastics and resins, and can also be a fumigant.
* Hydroquinone - has a detrimental effect on the central nervous system. Also causes eye injuries and skin irritation. It is used in varnishes, motor fuels and paints.
* Isoprene - similar to 1,3-butadiene. It causes skin, eye and mucous membrane irritation. It is used in rubber.
* Lead - lead damages the nerves in the brain, as well as the kidneys and the human reproductive system. Lead intake can also cause stomach problems and anemia. It is a known carcinogen and is particularly toxin to children. Lead is used in paint and metal alloys.
* Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) - depresses the human nervous system, irritates the eyes, nose and throat. MEK is used in solvents.
* Nickel - a known carcinogen, nickel also causes bronchial asthma and upper respiratory irritation.
* Nitric Oxide - this is a major contributor to smog and acid rain. It is made by gasoline combustion. Scientists say it is linked to a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and asthma.
* NNN, NNK, and NAT - NNN and NNK are known carcinogens and NAT might be one. The three compounds are unique to tobacco. NNN may also cause reproductive problems. NNK is closely linked to lung cancer risk.
* Phenol - this highly toxic substance is harmful for the CNS (central nervous system), cardiovascular system, respiratory system, the kidneys and liver. It is used in resins in plywood and construction materials.
* Propionaldehyde - irritates the respiratory system, skin and eyes. It is used as a disinfectant.
* Pyridine - irritates the eyes and upper respiratory tract. It also causes nervousness, headaches and nausea. Experts say it might cause liver damage. This substance is used in solvents.
* Quinoline - it is used for stopping corrosion and also as a solvent for resins. It is a severe eye irritant, is harmful to the liver, and causes genetic mutations. Experts believe it may be a carcinogen.
* Resorcinol - irritates the eyes and skin. It is used in resins, adhesives (glue) and laminates.
* Styrene - irritates the eyes, may slow down reflexes, and causes headaches. It is linked to a higher risk of leukemia. This substance is used in fiberglass, pipes, plastic and insulation materials.
* Toluene - causes confusion, memory loss, nausea, weakness, anorexia, and drunken movements. It is also associated with permanent brain damage. The chemical is used in resins, oils and solvents.
* Nicotine - this is not carcinogenic. However, it is highly addictive. Smokers find it very hard to quit because they are hooked on the nicotine. Nicotine is an extremely fast-acting drug. It reaches the brain within 15 seconds of being inhaled. If cigarettes and other tobacco products had no nicotine, the number of people who smoke every day would drop drastically. Without nicotine, the tobacco industry would collapse. Nicotine is used as a highly controlled insecticide. Exposure to sufficient amounts can lead to vomiting, seizures, depression of the CNS (central nervous system), and growth retardation. It can also undermine a fetus' proper development.
* Carbon Monoxide - this is a poisonous gas. It has no smell or taste. The body finds it hard to differentiate carbon monoxide from oxygen and absorbs it into the bloodstream. Faulty boilers emit dangerous carbon monoxide, as to car exhausts. If there is enough carbon monoxide around you and you inhale it, you can go into a coma and die. Carbon monoxide decreases muscle and heart function, it causes fatigue, weakness, and dizziness. It is especially toxic for babies still in the womb, infants and indifividuals with heart or lung disease.
* Tar - consists of several cancer-causing chemicals. When a smoker inhales cigarette smoke, 70% of the tar remains in the lungs. Try the handkerchief test. Fill the mouth with smoke, don't inhale, and blow the smoke through the handkerchief. There will be a sticky, brown stain on the cloth. Do this again, but this time inhale and the blow the smoke through the cloth, there will only be a very faint light brown stain.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cancer Rectal

Cancer cells lump together and form a mass of extra tissue, also known as a cancerous tumor. When cancer cells are present in the rectum, it's referred to as rectal cancer.

Since rectal cancer can grow for years without causing any symptoms, it's best to get regular colorectal cancer screenings. But, knowing what to look out for can't hurt. Examples of rectal cancer symptoms include thin stools, stomach cramping, bright red blood on your poop, and feeling like you have to "go" when you don't.

Being age 50 or older is the number one risk factor for colorectal cancer. Examples of things that researchers believe increase rectal cancer risk include alcohol, smoking, inflammatory bowel disease, and obesity.

Surgery is the most common treatment method and is often combined with chemo/radiation to treat late-stage rectal cancer
Common signs and symptoms of rectal cancer include:

* A change in bowel habits
* Diarrhea, constipation, or feeling that the bowel does not empty completely
* Blood, either bright red or very dark in the stool
* Stools that are narrower than usual
* General abdominal discomfort such as frequent gas pains, bloating, fullness or cramps
* Weight loss with no known reason
* Constant tiredness
* Vomiting
In making a diagnosis of rectal cancer, your doctor will first start by recording your medical history, asking about any symptoms you may be experiencing and conducting a thorough physical examination. He or she also may recommend one or more of the following diagnostic tests:

* Digital Rectal Exam — This exam involves the doctor or nurse inserting a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum to feel for an abnormalities.
* Barium Enema — Also known as a lower gastrointestinal series, this test involves taking X-rays of the large intestines.
* Fecal Occult Blood Test — This is a noninvasive test that detects the presence of hidden, or occult blood in the stool. Such blood may arise from anywhere along the digestive tract. Hidden blood in the stool is often the first, and in many cases the only, warning sign that a person has colorectal cancer
Treatment for rectal cancer may include surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy, or a combination of these approaches

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Legionnaire's disease

The Australian Government has notified the government of Indonesia that there are new citizens who travel to Bali and Legionnaire's disease. But from the Health Ministry investigation has not found the existence of the disease in Bali.

Australia warns about Legionnaire's disease because this disease is easily transmitted through the air. Legionnaire's Disease is an inflammation of the lungs caused by bacterial infection known as legionella bacteria. Most people exposed to Legionnaire's disease from inhaling the bacteria.

"The Australian contact Indonesia that there have been reports of tourists to Bali became infected with Legionnaire's, but once deployed the team to check it turns out there are no cases of Legionnaire's in Bali," said Prof. Tjandra Yoga Aditama SPP (K), MARS, DTM & H, DTCE, DG Control Disease and Environmental Health (P2PL) The Ministry of Health on the sidelines of the National Seminar and Exhibition Accelerated Implementation of International Health Regulations (IHR) at Balai Kartini, Jakarta, Wednesday (01/19/2011).

Prof. Tjandra said it had dispatched a team to check and found no infection of Legionnaire's disease but have done a disinfectant. Then the second team sent to check back.

"A second team sent just returned this morning, so the possibility of a new report there is a week away. But it still made a disinfectant in some areas," he said.

Prof. Tjandra added in Australia itself has several times experienced outbreaks of Legionnaire's disease, are known within a period of 5 years has happened dozens of times this plague.

"Most people infected with this disease can be cured with a good, and this is a concrete step of the IHR (International Health Regulations)," said Prof. Tjandra.

Older people, smokers and people have a weakened immune system, are very susceptible to this Legionnaire's disease. The disease usually develops between 2-14 days after exposure to legionella bacteria.

Early symptoms that arise are usually headaches, muscle aches, chills and fever up to 40 degrees celsius. While on the second or third day came a cough with mucus or blood, shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and feeling dazed.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Salt Therapy to Cure Asthma

For the circulatory system of blood vessels, salt has a negative side because it can lead to hypertension if taken to excess. But for the respiratory system, the salt can cure asthma through haloterapi or salt therapy.

Haloterapi an alternative treatment methods of Eastern Europe are made using mineral halite or rock salt, especially sodium chloride. Minerals are not eaten or drunk but inhaled with the air being pumped.

Patients sit in a room covered with salt crystals, and breathe air that is pumped salt mixed with a tool called halogenerator. Similar spas in general, it's just not that exhaled aromatherapy steam but mineral salts.

In the region of origin, haloterapi available naturally in the caves and salt lakes like the Dead Sea on the border of Jordan, Israel and the West Bank. Once developed with modern touches, this therapy is started worldwide and is now quite popular in Europe, America and Canada.

The manager claimed this therapy potent respiratory problems ranging from asthma, allergies to pneumonia. Not many studies that prove its worth, but some literature says steam salt does have the effect of the airway.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

badminton and nutrition

Nutrition is an important component of badminton because it is an energy sapping, fast paced, quick reflexes oriented, fast racket game where the speed of the smash is more than 200mph when the shuttle leaves the racket after the smash.
So a badminton player has to take care of his nutritional requirements on and off
his badminton days to maintain a balance. For example, on an off day, you may require 2500 to 3000 calories whereas on competition day, you may require up to 5000 calories. Similarly, your requirement for water, carbohydrates, electrolytes and other nutrients vary between his off day and competition day.

On a day-to-day basis, you have to take care of your nutrition by consuming a well balanced diet comprising carbohydrate, fat, protein, electrolytes, vitamins, minerals and water. A nutritionist can extend help in achieving this.

In the days preceding a competition, it is better for you to eat less carbohydrate and more fat and protein. It depletes his glycogen stores in the liver. Then, for a day or two preceding the competition you can go for increased carbohydrate, which replenishes glycogen storage to an optimal level.

It enables you to endure the event better by providing you the necessary glucose during play by the breakdown of glycogen. Also it is better to drink beverages containing glucose during rest between plays and avoid fructose-containing beverages.

It is because fructose has to be converted into glucose for the body to use it, which takes time, predisposing the individual to low blood sugars and fatigue. Fructose can also upset your stomach.

Contrary to popular belief, badminton players require very little additional protein than the general population to maintain their health. Usually, they can get the increments by diet alone. No protein nutritional supplements are needed.

Overenthusiastic protein intake predisposes to constant thirst, dehydration, decreased desire to consume food, loose motions and added stress on kidneys besides adding to the cost of training.

Among electrolytes, sodium needs can be met just by increasing their amounts in the diet during competition days. Consuming salt tablets indiscriminately can cause vomiting sensation, vomiting and bloating of stomach due to retention of water by the salt thereby affecting the player's performance. Similarly, additional potassium requirements can also be met with diet alone by including potassium rich food like bananas regularly.

Vitamins and minerals are to be obtained by diet optimally. Badminton players require vitamins like thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and minerals like iron to utilize the additional calories they need during playing. These vitamins and minerals are to be obtained by including fresh fruits, vegetables, greens, eggs etc. in their diet.

Water should be consumed in just adequate amounts before, during and after play, ideally at the amounts required to quench the player's thirst. Drinking too much water in the presumption that it can diminish thirst and improve fitness is wrong as it can lead to water intoxication. Similarly, drinking too less water thinking that it may slow the game by bloating the stomach is also a misplaced concept.