Saturday, December 20, 2008


Children can experience a 6-12 Respiratory infection (acute infection of breath) in a year, usually accompanied by a cough. In most children, coughing will stop by itself in 1-3 weeks, although it can sometimes take longer. In general, if a child experienced coughing every day for more than 3 weeks, several possible causes other than the acute infection of breath should be considered:

* Children may have a difference in the channel breath, eg: tracheo-esophageal fistula (the channel between the trakea / channel breath and throat / channel food).
* Items foreigners caught in the channel is likely breath other causes, particularly in the child.
* Asthma or chronic rinitis (nasal inflammation reactions that take place continuously).
* Smoking or psychological factors can be a cause of chronic cough in teenagers.

Please note that many cough with phlegm is not common in children and the need to be examined causes.

To determine the causes coughing, some important things to note. The first course should be distinguished whether cough is experienced continuously or relapse once again after recovery. Commencement cough also be important, for example, a cough that is suddenly without other symptoms may signal the existence of a foreign object in the channel napas. The type and pattern of coughing can also provide guidance in determining the cause of cough. For example, coughing experienced in the attacks that are not controlled (paroxysmal) may be caused by pertussis, Chlamydia, or a foreign object. Cough, which disappeared during sleep indicates that the cough can be experienced only because of habit (habit cough). Other symptoms that accompany the cough is also very helpful in this effort because the disease has several symptoms that typically enough, for example: Sinusitis, chronic rinitis, atopi, or asthma. In addition, the display of cigarette smoke is also an important factor in children with complaints of cough.
On physical examination, no sign of lack of oxygen (hipoksia) that must be examined chronic progress, for example, failed to grow and clubbing (hipoksia due to chronic conditions in which the boundary with the skin of the finger nails become even if dilamati side of the more visible claws and width). In addition, of course, other signs such as fever, napas fast, use, and sounds that are not symmetrical breath also must be considered.
Checking further examination, such as laboratory or X-ray is only needed in certain cases.

If the child is in the healthy and normal physical examination, which needs to be done to avoid hanyah display against the mengiritasi substances such as cigarette smoke. There is no evidence that shows the role of press cough medicine, dekongestan, anti-allergic, or antibiotics in the treatment of cough in cases such as this. A follow-up visits to the doctor can be done in 2-3 weeks.
Children who do not look healthy or a physical examination does not normally require further examination as can be seen on the flow chart below:
Children with cough more than 3 weeks
What is the history / physical examination normal? ® Yes. Avoid iritan, a follow-up.
No ¯
What is the history / physical examination to the pertussis? ® Yes. Handling of pertussis
No ¯
What is the history / physical examination lead to asthma? ® Yes. Handling asthma
No ¯
What is the history / physical examination on a foreign object? ® Yes. Handling of foreign objects
No ¯
What is the history / physical examination on Sinusitis? ® Yes. Handling Sinusitis
No ¯
Do a chest X-ray examination and other needs.

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