Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Malaria is an infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Worldwide, malaria affects between 300 and 500 million people each year. About a 1,000 of cases of malaria occur each year in the United States.

Malaria is also called Biduoterian fever; blackwater fever; falciparum malaria; plasmodium; Quartan malaria; tertian malaria


There are many symptoms of malaria and not every individual experiences all the symptoms. The symptoms are divided into three distinct states.

  • The first stage is called the cold stage. Symptoms of this state are sudden chills, and sometimes violent shaking.
  • The second state is called the hot state. This state is characterized by a high fever and rapid breathing. The fever may reach 107° F.
  • The third stage is called the wet state. This stage is characterized by excessive sweating.


Malaria is caused by a bite from the female Anopheles mosquito. Then the female bites, she injects the malaria parasites into the bloodstream of the victim. There are four types of parasites that cause malaria. They are: P. vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae and P. falciparum.

When the parasites are in the bloodstream, they travel to the liver. Once inside the liver, they multiply at a very high rate. Within a week or so, up to 40,000 parasites flow back into the bloodstream, where they continue to multiply and begin to destroy red blood cells.

Female mosquitoes

Female mosquitoes transmit the parasite because they take blood from the bitten victim. Male mosquitoes do not take blood from the victim.

After the mosquito ingests the parasite, it takes about a week to ten days or so for that mosquito to become infective.


Malaria can be treated . Your doctor can prescribe medication that can result in a complete recovery. However, if malaria is left untreated, complications may occur.

Malaria Prevention

If you are going to an area where malaria exists, tell your doctor several weeks before you leave. Your doctor will advise you of what to do.

Complications of Malaria

Malaria is treatable and should be taken very seriously. If left untreated the infected person can develop infection in the brain, so-called cerebral malaria, and result with fever and coma.

What is Tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils caused by an infection. In tonsillitis, the tonsils are enlarged, red, and often coated (either partly or entirely) by a substance that is yellow, gray, or white. Tonsillitis usually occurs as part of a pharyngitis (throat infection). Tonsillitis usually begins with sudden sore throat and painful swallowing.

Sometimes, tonsillitis reoccurs, and may cause difficulty breathing. If this occurs, your doctor may recommend taking them out. This procedure of removing tonsils from the throat is called a tonsillectomy.

What are Tonsils?

The tonsils are fleshy clusters of tissue that lie in bands on both sides of the back of the throat, above and behind the tongue. The tonsils' major function is to catch incoming germs before the germs cause infections in the throat, mouth, or sinuses. Tonsils contain infection-fighting cells and antibodies that stop the spread of the germs further into the body.

If the tonsils are taken out, the individual will not suffer from more infections than they did when they had their tonsils. There are other tissues in the body that will produce antibodies to fight infection.

What are the symptoms of Tonsillitis?

Each person with tonsillitis may not experience all of the symptoms. Some of the major symptoms of tonsillitis are:

a very sore throat
redder-than-normal tonsils
a yellow or white coating on the tonsils
a funny-sounding voice
swollen glands in the neck
bad breath

How is Tonsillitis diagnosed?

Tonsillitis can be diagnosed by performing a rapid strep test, also called a throat culture. To perform the throat culture, the doctor will use a long cotton swab to swipe off some of the stuff on the surface of the back of your throat. The doctor will then test the "stuff" on the cotton swab. This test will determine whether you have tonsillitis and whether it is caused by a bacteria or a virus.

Is Tonsillitis Contagious?

Yes. Tonsillitis usually spreads from person to person by contact with the throat or nasal fluids of someone who is already infected.

How Is Tonsillitis Treated?
Treatment for tonsillitis depends on whether it was caused by a virus or bacteria. If the tonsillitis was caused by strep bacteria (streptococci), the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. If the tonsillitis was caused by a virus, your body will fight off the infection on its own. However, medication can be prescribed to alleviate the symptoms.

How long does Tonsillitis Last?

If tonsillitis is caused by bacteria, with antibiotic treatment, the illness is usually cured within 1 week. However, it may take several weeks for the tonsils and swollen glands to return to normal size.

When tonsillitis is caused by viruses, the length of illness depends on which virus is involved. Usually, people are almost completely recovered within 1 week.


Gonore is bacterial infection of the genitals, Rectum or throat.
Caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonococcus), a
diplococcus gram negative. Bacteria mainly infection mucous
men, the genitals, rectum, mucous eyes, and throat.
Gonore can spread if someone vaginal sex,
rectum or mouth with someone who is already experiencing infection
without using condoms. For men who have experienced infection channel
urinating, symptoms usually appear within 2 - 10 days after
infection, but symptoms often appear only after several months.
Clinic pictures
Usually this disease shows symptoms after 2 to 10 days
contac to suffer the disease. In the men generally
this disease is marked by inflammation outlet urine with symptoms
pain during urin and remove fluid from the white lines
urine. However expenditure liquid white, or yellow, the
Thick or thin may be caused by other germs, so that nature
This liquid does not ensure this disease.
Meanwhile, the woman can show symptoms of stomach pain in the
down, whites and sometimes bleeding that's not normal
womb, and not feeling comfortable in the anus. But all of these symptoms are
not typical for gonore, it can also caused by other diseases, so that
the need to check carefully.
In the women gonore infections can be ongoing inflammation in the tool
pelvic spreading the lips of the womb, into the womb, to channel eggs
and to all the tools in the pelvis, usually occurs during the period. Symptoms
the disease include fever, stomach aches and the bottom. It may also
there are colors of liquid in the mouth of the womb and painful
press in the womb at the time of examination in the top of the equipment behind.
Resolvent equipment can cause pelvic strerilitas, pregnancy outside
uterus and the chronic pelvic pain.

Complications in addition to local men and women, can also occur
complications in other places, the effects of the bacteria spreading through blood gonore,
and approximately 2 / 3 female patients. Joint inflammation can occur and the skin
mark in fever, painful joints and swollen joints, shivering and aberration
skin and pus-shaped bubble. Inflammation involving multiple joints
joints, often involving the wrist joints, fingers, and knee joints
ankle joints. Other common manifestations include meningitis
(perikarditis), and hepatitis (hepatitis). Sometimes
inflammation occurs in the layer of the heart and brain membrane.
Gonore and klamidia can be known with a sample from the channel diseka
urine, rectum or throat. It is important that the patient does not move during the small
is not three hours before the tesnya.
- Vulnerability Neisseria gonorrhoeae to antibiotics vary widely in
world. Resistance against kuinolon increasing, especially in Asia
Southeast where up to 20% strain was resistant.
- Acute infection without complications
Drugs other options:
§ prokain penicillin 2.4 million IU, given im, and doses for women
4.8 million IU.
§ Ampisilin single dose of 3.5 grams, 1 gram probenesid
§ Amoksisilin 3 grams + 1 gram probenesid
§ Tiamfenikol single oral dose of 2.5 - 3.5 grams, but is not recommended in the
pregnant women
§ If the suspected cause of bacteria resistant to penicillin (penicillinase
producing. N.gonorrhoeae = PPNG), the drug is selected tiamfenikol
kuinolon or new.
- Infection with complications: Siprofloksasin 500 mg x 2 a day for 5 - 7
oral per day.


Glaucoma is a collection of symptoms of a disease that causes
resultan namely the increasing pressure intra okuler enough to cause
optical disk degeneration or aberration field perspective.
Increased intra okuler pressure.
With hypertension should be okuler is a situation where the pressure
intraokuler escalate without damage to the optic disc and field aberration perspective.
Clinical picture
Glaucoma can be classified as follows:
1. Primary glaucoma
a. Primary open angle glaucoma (glaucoma simple, wide angle glaucoma,
Chronic simple glaucoma) is a type of glaucoma is most often
b. Primary closed-angle glaucoma (narrow angle glaucoma, closed angle
glaucoma, acute congestive glaucoma).
2. Glaucoma Kongenital
a. Glaucoma or kongenital primary infantil (Buftalmos)
b. Glaucoma that accompanies deviation kongenital
3. Secondary glaucoma
4. Absolut glaucoma
In the acute glaucoma kongestif (the occurrence of the attack) should be given treatment
as soon as possible because late to treatment can speed worsen
sharp field of vision and perspective.
Acute glaucoma kongestif often suspected / diagnosed as konjungtivitis
because the eyes look red. In the acute glaucoma will be visible to the injection
conjungtiva, injection silier, broad pupil / mid dilatasi, reflek less.
Inspection measurement of pressure with the ball will be tonometri
A high value (normally 10 -20 mmHg).

Red eyes, wide pupil, reflek less, slightly cloudy cornea, without the dirt
with complaints of pain and decreased visus and usually one eye is
Aberration is not diagnosed as conjungtivitis. Alerts conjungtivitis
is the red-eye (usually two eyes), there is the dirt, not the head aches,
visus not decline, no pupil wide and does not result in blindness.
Kongestif acute glaucoma is very dangerous and result in total blindness that
can not be cured.
With limited ketenagaan and equipment, then for glaucoma
that may be made in health is acute glaucoma congestif, with
the provision of:
a. Timolol 0.5% with a dose of 2 x day
b. Pilokarpin 2 - 4% every 2 minutes
c. Acetazolamide 250 mg x 3 a day
d. Analgetik systemic
Simptomatik with the treatment of symptoms and refer immediately to a specialist
for further action.


Epigastrium pain relief are missing / can be settled along with nausea /
Gastritis is a major cause stomach irritation, for example by the food
stimulate stomach acid, alcohol, drugs or stress. In the circumstances this is the case
interference balance between production and stomach acid resistance mukosa.
Systemic diseases, smoking habits, infection of the bacteria Helicobacter pilori also
a role in this disease.
Clinical picture
- People usually complain or do not feel acute in Ulu heart.
- Gastritis erosif due to drugs is often accompanied by bleeding.
- Epigastrium pain, flatulence, nausea, vomiting is not always there.
heart aches, nausea / vomiting, etc. kembung.
- People with acute gastritis need lie down. Then he must
familiarize oneself to eat regularly and avoid foods that stimulate.
- There will soon be lost with antasida (Al. Hidroksida, Mg Hidroksida)
given the bed, morning, and between mealtimes.
- When the vomiting until the tablet can be given metoklopramid 10
mg, 1 hour before meals.
- If severe pain can be combined with simetidin 200 mg x 2 a day
ranitidin or 150 mg a day x 2
- People with bleeding such as hematemesis or melena need
immediately referred to the hospital because of bleeding on the possibility of going
tukak which can be a stomach perforation.