Friday, January 2, 2009


Dermatitis is inflammation Atopik skin and chronicles the often residif
on babies and children, accompanied by itching and associated with atopi.
Atopi is the term used for a group of disease on individuals who
have a sensitivity in his family history, such as asthma bronkiale,
rinitis allergy, and dermatitis atopik allergic konjungtivitis.
Generally not known
- In the face, scalp, diaper area that is closed, hands, arms, legs
or leg baby form scabby rash of red and watery.
- Dermatitis often disappeared at the age of 3 - 4 years, although usually
will appear again.
- In children and adults, a rash often appears and relapse again
only in 1 or more areas, especially on the arms, the front sikut
or behind the knee.
- Color, intensity and location of the rash varies, but always rise
- In people with dermatitis atopik, herpes is usually only simpleks
the area of small and light, can cause serious disease
a high fever and eczema (eczema herpetikum).
Diagnosis based on symptoms, physical examination results and
allergic disease in the history of the family.

- Description / counseling to the patient's parents:
The disease is repeated, and it chronicles rarely perfect
going so treatment intended to reduce the itching and
the skin aberration.
In addition to drugs needs to be done to prevent another business relapse:
o Maintain cleanliness, use a soft soap such as baby soap
o Clothing should be thin, light easily absorb perspiration
o Air and the environment is quite cool and ventilated.
o Avoid factors fuse, for example: iritan, dust, etc.
- Systemic
§ Antihistamin classic sedatif for example klorfeniramin to maleat
reduce the itch
§ When there is a secondary infection can be added to systemic antibiotics
or topikal
- Topikal
§ When lesi acute / eksudatif: compress 2 - 3 x daily, 1 - 2 hours with
rivanol solution with 0.1% NaCl or 0.9%
§ Krim are potential kortikosteroid / low, 1 - 2 times a day after
bath, according to the circumstances lesi. When you have improved can be replaced
with a lower potential.
Kortikosteroid potential low: hidrokortison cream 1%, 2.5%
Kortikosteroid potential are: cream betametason 0.1%
§ In the dry skin can be given emolien / moisturizer immediately after

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