Saturday, January 10, 2009

Treat Nail Tips

Try to see your fingernail. What clutches that appear strong and healthy? Or you even see the nail that is easily broken, Texturized rough and have a color and shape a different one with the other? Conditions, among others, the lack of maintenance performed on the nail. But there is also damage to the nails that would indicate a disease suffered.

To prevent your nails brittle and broken, you should first know the parts of a healthy nails!

Healthy nails consist of:

* Nail plate => Tier terluar of a nail
Nail folds => Skin frame of your nails
Nail bed => Safeguard the skin that are at the bottom of the nail
Cuticle => Safeguard the coat nails, protect the new keratin cells
Lunula => Section semicircular at the bottom of the nail

Does not have a product that can make nails strong and healthy, without the care that you do terhadapnya. If you still want to keep nails healthy, following a few things you should know:

Do not you lukai nails. Do not use nails to open things, especially things hard or something interesting in spite of any tooth and nail you
Do not bite your nails. This habit will damage the nail bed nail you. Besides dirty and can make you sick (the dirt under the nails can be merged if you use your hands to eat), this habit will make a short nails, and make the bacteria or fungus can enter into your nail bed infection and relief.

Protect your nails. If you are old enough brush with chemicals, always protect your hands and nails with plastic gloves.

Do care. Potonglah nails regularly, do not wait until a long nail. Use a sharp cutting nails, and pengikir to refine sudutnya. Never nail interesting that the half cut off, even as it will damage the new network that's your nail.
Give pelembap. Such as nail skin, which also requires pelembap. Oleskan pelembap nail on the same when you spread hand lotion on your hands. Repeat the process again each time you finish washing hands

Even that is easily broken nails and fragile strength can also be returned. Here are some steps to strengthen the nails:

Keep the nails you are still short, box-shaped, with the tip of the circle. Cut nails after a bath, or soaked in oil after the bath for 15 minutes, because at that time when the nail is in the most lembap. Oleskan hand lotion & nail afterwards.

Oleskan nail cuticle layer of lotion on the nail bed time ago before protect your nails with the use of gloves in cotton.

Application brace nails but avoid products containing toluene sulfonamide or formaldehyde. These chemicals can cause irritation on your skin.

Do not use acetone or nail remover more than 2 times a month because of it makes your nails dry and merapuhkannya. If you start coloring nails exfoliate, oleskan back with direct overwrite previous coloring nails.

Special tip: If you often do manicure to make your nails look beautiful, be sure not to let your cuticle currycomb and make sure all the equipment that will be used already in sterile conditions.


  1. The content you have provided is pretty interesting and useful and I will surely take note of the point you have made in the blog.

    Today while I was browsing the Internet and looking out for something sporty and trendy to decorate my nails with, I came across this site Gel-Nails and found so many interesting nail products for decorating my nails. The best part is that this site has so much variety and also the prices are very reasonable for the quantity offered.

    I thought this information might be useful for anyone looking for genuine nail decoration stuff and may not know where to buy them from.

  2. The content you have provided is pretty interesting and useful and I will surely take note of the point you have made in the blog.

    Today while I was surfing the Internet, I happened to visit this interesting site gel-nails selling really cool glitter gels for nails. I bought 2 shades of glitter nail gel to highlight my nails for a special party. These gels really made my nails look so impressive and trendy and I would love to revisit this site to try out other nail decorating products they are offering at great discounts.

    I thought this information might be useful for anyone looking for genuine nail decoration stuff and may not know where to buy them from.
