Monday, April 20, 2009

tips to improve passionate sex after giving birth

House of the harmonious and happy is the ideal husband and wife each pair. Summary of solid and stress can lead to decreased or passionate women frigid. So that the relationship remains a romantic couple, the wife must know how to treat themselves in the outside.

What more for mothers who give birth, and no exercise or sports so that it can cause muscle-muscle femininity become lax, and ovulasi weak or frigit. Slowdown or decline in sex can cause a marital relationship may be less familiar.

Massage can be done to tighten the musculature and slack resources women's sex organs can be therapy. This is without a natural and rational means of bantu.

Then, to maintain quality of the sperm is good, and increase resistance patterns need to eat healthy, exercise and rest.

Moderate use of doping drugs could endanger the health of body organs. Massage can be used to restore the elasticity and kelenturan musculature sex. Area or part of a massage, that is, waist, stomach and pinggul.

Massage movements to generate a nerve-nerve speed secret femininity restore musculature vagina. Become so dense and chewy.

In the stomach there are 20 important point. That can stimulate nerve sensorik and sensible in the sex. Also reinforce menstruasi, clean the womb and increase ovulasi Libido women and fertile womb.

Dots earlier start to the heart of Ulu sicika urinenarin and rectum. Then the liver (liver), bile, pancreas and rectum. And the twist-knot sarafnya among others, point 6 on the painful vertebra pelvis left and right, 3 sore point just above the pelvis. Then 6 point pain in the area pinggul left and right tail bone.

Massage limber waist and increase the passion sexuality, intimate relationships, so are the romantic couple.

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