Friday, December 26, 2008

Stone in the urine channel

Stones in the urine channel (uriner calculus) is a mass petrous
made along the lines chew and can cause pain, bleeding,
stoppage or the flow of urine infection.
Many of the factors to influence the occurrence of stones in the urine channel,
such as drinking less, metabolic disturbances.
Clinical picture
- The stones can form in the kidney (kidney stones) and in the uterus
urine (bladder stones). The process of stone formation is called urolitiasis
(litiasis renalis, nefrolitiasis).
- Stone, especially the small, can not cause symptoms. Stone in the channel
chew up the cause kolik, while under the hamper
small void.
- Stone clog the ureter, pelvis and renalis can tubulus renalis
cause back pain or kolik renalis (kolik a great pain in the
area between the rib and pelvis, which is also spreading to the stomach
the genitals and inner thigh).
- Other symptoms are nausea and vomiting, stomach bubble, fever,
quiver and the blood in the urin. People may often be un -
urine, especially when stones pass ureter.
- Urin often red meat such as dishwater and microscopic
eritrosit show many times and have leukosit.
- The stones can cause urine infection channels. If the flow of rock clog
urine, the bacteria will be trapped in urin collected over
stoppage, so that there were infections.
- If the stoppage lasts this long, urin will flow back to
channels in the kidney, the emphasis will be
distend kidney (hidronefrosis) and in the end can happen
kidney damage.

Stones that do not cause symptoms, may not be known
deliberate on a routine inspection analysis urin (urinalisis).
Stone that causes pain is usually diagnosed based on symptoms kolik
renalis, along with the pain in the back and press selangkangan
or pain in the genitals with no clear cause.
Urin mikroskopik analysis could indicate the existence of blood, pus or crystal
a small stone. Usually does not need to be other checks, except
if painful settle more than a few hours or diagnosisnya not sure.
Additional checks that could help establish the diagnosis is
urin collection 24 hours and blood sampling to assess
calcium content, sistin, acid fiber and other materials which can cause
the occurrence of stones.
Kolik overcome with the injection spasmolitik: atropin 0.5 - 1 mg im adults.
When there is an infection should be given antibiotics: kotrimoksazol 2 x 2 tablets
amoksisilin or 500 mg peroral x 3 a day for adults. Or the other
which can be used.
Small stones that do not cause symptoms or stoppage of infection, usually
need not treated.
Drinking lots of fluids will improve and help the establishment of urin
throw some stones. If you have terbuang stone, then there is no need to
treatment is done immediately.
Stone renalis in the pelvis or ureter the top of the size of the 1
centimeters or less can often be solved by ultrasonic waves
(Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy, ESWL). Fraction next stone
will be removed in urin.
Immediately refer to the hospital if there is an indication of the operation, such as:
o Stone> 5 mm
o are Obstruksi / weight
o Stone in the urine channel proksimal
o recurrent infection
o During the observation of stone can not be down

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