Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Asthma is a condition in which the channel breath because constringency
hiperaktivitas against a particular stimulus, which causes inflammation and
constringency a while.
According to The Lung Association, there are two factors that a spark asthma:
1. Triggers (trigger) that cause respiratory tract and terganggunya
tauten menyempitnya or cause respiratory tract
(bronkokonstriksi) but does not cause inflammation, such as:
- Changes in weather and temperature.
- Irritated something that is alergen, such as cigarette smoke, pollen,
dust, fur, smoke, cold air, and sports, insecticides, dust,
air pollution and pets.
- Respiratory tract infection.
- Disturbances emotions.
- Work Sports physical or excessive.
2. The cause (inducer) in the mast cells release the material along bronki
histamin and leukotrien such as the response to foreign substances (alergen),
such as pollen, dust, which is fine in the house or fur,
the cause:
- Smooth muscle contraction
- Increase the formation of mucus
- Transfer of certain white blood cells to bronki.
that lead to inflammation (inflammation) in the respiratory tract
where this will reduce the diameter of the airways (called
bronkokonstriksi) and refinement of this should cause
exert every effort in order to breathe.
Clinical picture
-Difficult breath on asthma typically accompanied voice mengi due to difficulties expiration
- On auskultasi hear wheezing and ekspirasi sweep.

- The state of chock-marked with great musculature giatnya help
respiratory and sianosis known to the status that can asmatikus
fatal consequences.
- Dispnoe in the morning and throughout the night, after physical exercise (especially
when the cold weather), related to the infection channels of breath up,
associated with exposure to alergen such as pollen and fur
- Coughing that long in the morning and late at night, dealing with
iritatif factors, batuknya can be dry, but often there is a clear mukus
ekskresi channel of breath.
Asthma diagnosis sometimes can ditegakkan on the basis of anamnesis and
auskultasi. Wheezing in the end ekspirasi almost always a sign of disease
paru obstruktif such as asthma. In the mild asthma, auskultasi almost always normal
when patients asimtomatik.
- The spark attacks wherever possible eliminated.
- In the light of attacks can be given injections adrenalin 1: 1000 0.2 - 0.3
ml subkutan that can be repeated several times with intervals of 10 - 15
minutes. 0.01 mg dose of the child / kgBB that can be repeated with
attention to blood pressure, pulse and respiration function.
- Bronkodilator is selected teofilin 100 - 150 mg x 3 a day on people
and adults 10 - 15 mg / day for children kgBB.
- Other options: Salbutamol 2 - 4 x 3 mg a day for adults
- Efedrin 10 - 15 mg x 3 a day can be used to add property
- Prednison only when needed medicines and above does not help
given only a few days to prevent asmatikus status. But
pemberiannya should not be delayed.
- People with status asmatikus require oxygen, and parenteral therapy
so that intensive care should be referred to the action as early
People diinfus glucose 5%
Aminofilin 5 - 6 mg / kgBB injected iv slowly when the patient has not been
teofilin obtain oral.

Prednison 10 - 20 mg x 2 a day for several days, and then
derived dose as soon as possible so that it can be stopped.
If it has not tried to overcome adrenalin, it can be used
first adrenalin.

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