Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Glaucoma is a collection of symptoms of a disease that causes
resultan namely the increasing pressure intra okuler enough to cause
optical disk degeneration or aberration field perspective.
Increased intra okuler pressure.
With hypertension should be okuler is a situation where the pressure
intraokuler escalate without damage to the optic disc and field aberration perspective.
Clinical picture
Glaucoma can be classified as follows:
1. Primary glaucoma
a. Primary open angle glaucoma (glaucoma simple, wide angle glaucoma,
Chronic simple glaucoma) is a type of glaucoma is most often
b. Primary closed-angle glaucoma (narrow angle glaucoma, closed angle
glaucoma, acute congestive glaucoma).
2. Glaucoma Kongenital
a. Glaucoma or kongenital primary infantil (Buftalmos)
b. Glaucoma that accompanies deviation kongenital
3. Secondary glaucoma
4. Absolut glaucoma
In the acute glaucoma kongestif (the occurrence of the attack) should be given treatment
as soon as possible because late to treatment can speed worsen
sharp field of vision and perspective.
Acute glaucoma kongestif often suspected / diagnosed as konjungtivitis
because the eyes look red. In the acute glaucoma will be visible to the injection
conjungtiva, injection silier, broad pupil / mid dilatasi, reflek less.
Inspection measurement of pressure with the ball will be tonometri
A high value (normally 10 -20 mmHg).

Red eyes, wide pupil, reflek less, slightly cloudy cornea, without the dirt
with complaints of pain and decreased visus and usually one eye is
Aberration is not diagnosed as conjungtivitis. Alerts conjungtivitis
is the red-eye (usually two eyes), there is the dirt, not the head aches,
visus not decline, no pupil wide and does not result in blindness.
Kongestif acute glaucoma is very dangerous and result in total blindness that
can not be cured.
With limited ketenagaan and equipment, then for glaucoma
that may be made in health is acute glaucoma congestif, with
the provision of:
a. Timolol 0.5% with a dose of 2 x day
b. Pilokarpin 2 - 4% every 2 minutes
c. Acetazolamide 250 mg x 3 a day
d. Analgetik systemic
Simptomatik with the treatment of symptoms and refer immediately to a specialist
for further action.

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