Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Gonore is bacterial infection of the genitals, Rectum or throat.
Caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonococcus), a
diplococcus gram negative. Bacteria mainly infection mucous
men, the genitals, rectum, mucous eyes, and throat.
Gonore can spread if someone vaginal sex,
rectum or mouth with someone who is already experiencing infection
without using condoms. For men who have experienced infection channel
urinating, symptoms usually appear within 2 - 10 days after
infection, but symptoms often appear only after several months.
Clinic pictures
Usually this disease shows symptoms after 2 to 10 days
contac to suffer the disease. In the men generally
this disease is marked by inflammation outlet urine with symptoms
pain during urin and remove fluid from the white lines
urine. However expenditure liquid white, or yellow, the
Thick or thin may be caused by other germs, so that nature
This liquid does not ensure this disease.
Meanwhile, the woman can show symptoms of stomach pain in the
down, whites and sometimes bleeding that's not normal
womb, and not feeling comfortable in the anus. But all of these symptoms are
not typical for gonore, it can also caused by other diseases, so that
the need to check carefully.
In the women gonore infections can be ongoing inflammation in the tool
pelvic spreading the lips of the womb, into the womb, to channel eggs
and to all the tools in the pelvis, usually occurs during the period. Symptoms
the disease include fever, stomach aches and the bottom. It may also
there are colors of liquid in the mouth of the womb and painful
press in the womb at the time of examination in the top of the equipment behind.
Resolvent equipment can cause pelvic strerilitas, pregnancy outside
uterus and the chronic pelvic pain.

Complications in addition to local men and women, can also occur
complications in other places, the effects of the bacteria spreading through blood gonore,
and approximately 2 / 3 female patients. Joint inflammation can occur and the skin
mark in fever, painful joints and swollen joints, shivering and aberration
skin and pus-shaped bubble. Inflammation involving multiple joints
joints, often involving the wrist joints, fingers, and knee joints
ankle joints. Other common manifestations include meningitis
(perikarditis), and hepatitis (hepatitis). Sometimes
inflammation occurs in the layer of the heart and brain membrane.
Gonore and klamidia can be known with a sample from the channel diseka
urine, rectum or throat. It is important that the patient does not move during the small
is not three hours before the tesnya.
- Vulnerability Neisseria gonorrhoeae to antibiotics vary widely in
world. Resistance against kuinolon increasing, especially in Asia
Southeast where up to 20% strain was resistant.
- Acute infection without complications
Drugs other options:
§ prokain penicillin 2.4 million IU, given im, and doses for women
4.8 million IU.
§ Ampisilin single dose of 3.5 grams, 1 gram probenesid
§ Amoksisilin 3 grams + 1 gram probenesid
§ Tiamfenikol single oral dose of 2.5 - 3.5 grams, but is not recommended in the
pregnant women
§ If the suspected cause of bacteria resistant to penicillin (penicillinase
producing. N.gonorrhoeae = PPNG), the drug is selected tiamfenikol
kuinolon or new.
- Infection with complications: Siprofloksasin 500 mg x 2 a day for 5 - 7
oral per day.

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