Saturday, January 3, 2009


Bird flu (Avian influenza) is an acute infectious disease caused by
virus that attacks the birds in general, and can also spread from birds
to humans.
Influenza virus type A H5N1 sub-type
Ways of transmission
Spread the disease to humans can be through:
a. Animals: direct contact with sick poultry or poultry products which
b. Environment: air or equipment tercemar virus either
comes from the feces or sekret birds fell ill that bird flu virus (AI)
c. Human: very limited and inefficient (found several cases
in group / cluster)
d. The consumption of poultry products that do not have any cooked perfectly
the potential of bird flu virus.
Clinical picture
The period of incubation average 3 (1 - 7 days). The period of transmission in humans is 1 day
before and 3 - 5 days after the symptoms arise, while the transmission to the child
can reach 21 days. Caused the same symptoms as ordinary flu, marked
with a sudden fever (temperature • 38oC), cough, runny nose, sore throat, shortness,
headache, malaise, vomiting, diarrhea and muscle pain.
1. Suspect bird flu
When the fever (temperature • 38oC) with one or more of the following symptoms:
- Coughing
- Pain Management throat
- Colds
- Breathless,

Accompanied by one or more of Exposure below 7 days before
the incidence of symptoms:
- My close (within 1 meter), such as caring, talking, or
in contact with the suspect patient (suspek), or probabel cases of H5N1
which confirmed.
- Touch such as handling, slaughter, revoke wool, cut,
prepared for consumption with chickens, wild birds, dead
birds or the environment against tercemar by the poultry faeces
in areas where infection with H5N1 in humans or animals
have been suspected or confirmed in the last one month.
- Consuming raw poultry products, or that are not cooked with
perfect in the region that is suspected or found animals or
human H5N1 infection in the last one month.
- Contact closely with other animals (other than poultry or other birds),
such as cats or pigs that have been confirmed infected with H5N1.
- Hold / sample handling (animal or human) suspected of containing
H5N1 virus in a laboratory suastu or other places
- Found leukopenia (under the normal value: 5000 - 10,000).
- Found titer antibody against H5 with inspections using the HI test
eritrosit horse or ELISA test for influenza A without a sub-type.
- Photos Toraks show the pneumonia quickly deteriorate in the serial
2. People (confirmation) bird flu
When the suspect, along with one of the positive results following the
conducted in the laboratory influenza national, regional or international
the results of the examination H5N1nya recognized by WHO as a confirmation:
- Isolation influenza A/H5N1 virus-positive
- Results PCR positive influenza A/H5N1
- Increased • 4-fold antibody titer for H5N1 from netralisasi specimens
konvalesen specimens compared with the acute (7 days is taken up
ONSET disease), and antibody titer must also netralisasi • 1 / 80).

- Titer antibody mikronetralisasi H5N1 • 1 / 80 in the serum specimens
taken on the day to 14 after • ONSET disease, along with the results postif
serologis another test, for example, HI titer horse red blood cells • 1 / 160 or
western blot specific H5 positive.
a. Suspect bird flu given oseltamivir 75 mg x 2 a day for 5 days.
Children in accordance with the dose of body weight (age> 1 year: 2mg/kgBB), and
referred to hospitals bird flu
b. Provision must follow the system skoring agreed (see
book Bird Flu Control and Use of Oseltamivir in the health,
c. Each of oseltamivir should be based on a doctor's note and and
reported in accordance with a format that is available.
d. Oseltamivir is not recommended for profilaksis and by pemberiannya
Efforts to do with the prevention of ways to avoid that
contaminated feces and sekret poultry, with the following:
- Any person related to the material that comes from the channel dissolved
poultry should use protective (mask, glasses pool)
- Materials that come from channels such as indigestion poultry excrement must treat
well (planted / burned) in order not to become a source of transmission for
the surrounding
- Tools used in livestock should be washed with
- Coop feces and can not be excluded from the location of livestock
- Consume chicken that has been cooked at a temperature less than most
80oC for 1 minute, while poultry eggs should be heated at a temperature
64oC for 5 minutes
- Maintain environmental hygiene
- Maintain cleanliness self
- For those who do not be concerned, are forbidden to enter the farm
- When exposed to influenza are forbidden to enter the farm.
- If you're planting farming using manure required
using gloves and masks
- Each farm workers, cutting penjamah poultry and poultry that
exposed to influenza immediately to a health clinic or other health services.

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