Saturday, January 3, 2009

NON specific DIARE

Diarrhea is a condition dispose waste water with a lot of liquids and is a symptom
from certain diseases or other interference.
Acute diarrhea is defecate soft / thin liquid consistency, more often
usually accompanied's slimy, smell, and even can be a foamy water only
frekwensi that more often than usual.
Diarrhea is nonspesifik diarrhea that was not caused by bacteria or special
It is a virus, or food that stimulates the kontaminated toxin,
indigestion, and so forth.
Clinical picture
- Fever that often accompany the disease aggravate dehydration. Symptoms
dehydration will not be visible until fluid loss reaches 4 - 5% weight
- Symptoms and signs of dehydration are:
§ Pain thirst, dry mouth and lips
§ The decreasing skin turgor
§ The decreasing weight, hipotensi, weak muscles
§ shortness breath, anxiety
§ sunken eyes, no tears
§ crown of the baby in the cavernous
§ Oliguria and anuria
§ The decreasing awareness, nod
- If lack of fluid reaches 10% or more people to fall in
weight and dehydration can occur if the ongoing shock and death.
Determined from the symptoms defecate repeated more often than usual
with the consistency of soft and liquid.

- WHO has set a key element in 4 of acute diarrhea
§ The provision of fluids, such as efforts rehidrasi oral (URO) to prevent
and treat dehydration.
§ Continuing the provision of food as usual, especially breastfeeding, during the
diarrhea, and in healing.
§ Not using antidiare, while antibiotics and antimikroba
only to cases of suspected cholera, dysentery, or giardiasis or terbukti
§ Provision of effective guidance for mothers and children and their families
about oral rehidrasi efforts at home, signs, and to refer
ways to prevent diarrhea in the future.
- Primary treatment is acute diarrhea and improve rehidrasi
fluid and electrolyte balance. Thus the first step is
specify the degree of dehydration.
degree of dehydration
light - weight are dehydration
general situation
the mouth and tongue
feeling thirsty
skin turgor
well aware
not thirsty
you are welcome
thirsty, you want to
drink lots
slow return
lethargic, not aware
very sunken
very dry
lazy or drink
can not drink
again very
Basic guidelines Medicine Clinic in 2007
- Then do rehidrasi as efforts made to dehydration
as cholera.
- In the patients without diarrhea dehydration: (Terapi A)
§ Provide liquid (water starch, sugar salt solution, oralit) of the desired
to stop diarrhea, as per the instructions given out
o Children <1 yr: 50 - 100 ml
o Child 1 - 4 yr: 100 - 200 ml.
o Children> 5 years: 200 - 300 ml
o Adult: 300 - 400 ml
§ Forward feeding or breastfeeding for infants
- In people with mild diarrhea with dehydration - are (Terapi B):
§ Oralit given 75 ml / kg BB in 3 hours, not the bottle.
§ If the child vomits (because the fluid is too fast), wait 5-10
minutes ago that again, with the slower (one spoonful each
2-3 minutes).
- In patients with diarrhea dehydration weight (Terapi C):
Given Ringer Laktat § 100 ml of divided in some time
§ Every 1-2 hours re-examined the patient, if not improved hidrasi
dipercepat drops. After 6 hours (infants) or three hours (older patients)
patients back in check
Giving the first
30 ml / kg
Provision and
70 ml / kg
infants (<12 days)
> 12 months
in 1 hour
30 minutes
in 5 hours
2.5 hours

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