Saturday, January 3, 2009


Epilepsy is a disease with a marked tendency for
experienced recurrent convulsions.
attackted form is the most common strain that began with
loss of consciousness, loss of control of the movement and the occurrence of convulsions and tonic
klonik members or on the body.
Deviation of functional brain attackted are relapse. Aberration organic
also in the brain can cause epilepsy, so that this possibility should be considered.
From the pattern attackted, epilepsy be top general for example epilepsy epilepsy
grand mal, Petit mal, or mioklonik and partial epilepsy for example, attacks fokal
motor, fokal sensorik.
Clinical picture
- Grand mal seizures often begin with a sense of aura or sink
float. The decline in the awareness, the head turned to one side, the teeth
tight and the loss of bladder control, breath
snore, frothy and mouth can occur inkontinesia. Then there
tonic convulsions throughout the body for 20 - 30 seconds followed by a strain on klonik
members of muscle, muscle back and neck muscles which lasted 2 - 3 minutes.
After missing a strain of weak lie asleep or 3 - 4 hours,
awareness and then gradually recover. After the attack patients are often
in a state of confusion.
- Petit mal seizures, also called the attack lena, begins with the awareness of missing
for 10 - 30 seconds. During phase lena (absence) of motor stopped
and patients still do not act. Sometimes look like there is no attack, but
sometimes arise in the mouth movement klonik or lid.
- The attack mioklonik is a short muscle contraction or groups
- Motor simple partial seizures can be a strain that started in the wrong
one hand and spreading sesisi, while partial seizures can sensorik
a sense of Baal pins or unilateral.

- Simple partial seizures (psikomotor) complex, people lost contact
the environment for 1 - 2 minutes, move the arms and
tungkainya with a strange and without a goal, issued suarasuara
that means no, not able to understand what other people say
and refused assistance. Confusion lasted several minutes and
followed by total healing.
- On Epilepsi primary generalisata, people with experience as a reaction to a strain
the body of the cargo that abnormal. Then the patient may experience
headache, while the weak and felt very tired. Usually people
can not remember what happened during convulsions.
- Stats epileptikus is the most serious strain, the strain occurred
continuously, do not stop. Muscle contraction is very strong, not able to breathe
as appropriate and in the electrical load otaknya spread wide.
If not treated promptly, the damage can occur and the brain of the heart
people can live and die.
Ditegakkan diagnosis based on symptoms presented by others
who witnessed the occurrence of attacks in people with epilepsy and a history
disease earlier.
- The principle of common idiopatik epilepsy therapy is to reduce / prevent attacks,
while organic epilepsy therapy directed against it.
- The spark attacks, such as fatigue, emotional eating or rupture
drugs must be avoided.
- When the attacks occurred convulsions, strived avoid injury from a strain,
for example bited tongue or injury or other injury.
- Step that is important to keep the patient does not drop,
loosen clothes (especially in the neck) and install a pillow
under the head of the patient.
- If the patient does not sadarkan should position themselves to be more dimiringkan
easy to breathe and can not be left alone to actually
conscious and able to move normally.
- Anti-convulsive medicine to prevent the occurrence of further convulsions, usually given
to the people who experience cramps kambuhan. Status epileptikus
is a state of emergency, therefore, anti-convulsive medication was given in doses
the high intravena.

- Wherever possible and use a single drug to start with low doses.
- When a single dose of medication does not effectively use a maximum of two types of drugs with
the lowest dose.
- When the attacks do not think overcame the possibility of disloyalty,
organic causes, the choice and dose of drugs that are less precise.
- If during the 2 - 3 years does not arise again attack, drugs can be stopped
- Options antiepilepsi
Type Kejang Type Drugs
Fokal / Partial
Lena attack
Fenobarbital or fenitoin
Fenobarbital or fenitoin
Fenobarbital or fenitoin
- Babies and children:
o iv 0.2 - 0.3 mg / kgBB / dose (1 mg / year age) was given in 3 - 5
minutes, every 15 - 30 minutes to a maximum total dose of 5 mg, repeated
in 2 - 4 hours if necessary;
o rektal: infants <6 months, is not recommended; <2 years: security and
effectiveness has not been tested; 2 - 5 years: 0.5 mg / kgBB; 6 - 11 years: 0.3
mg / kgBB; • 12 years: 0.2 mg / kgBB.
- To maintain:
Fenobarbital 1 - 5 mg / kgBB / day x 1 day
Fenitoin 4 - 20 mg / kgBB 2 - 3 x day

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