Saturday, January 3, 2009


Diphtheria is an acute infection of the respiratory channels of the top
caused by the bacteria Corynebacterium diphtheriae. More often attacked
The bacteria is Corynebacterium diphtheriae. The bacteria is usually
the respiratory channel, especially laring, tonsil and throat. But
not less toxic and also attacks the skin and even cause nerve damage
and heart.
Clinic picture
- The period of the shoot 2 - 7 days
- People complain pain and swallow breath (stridor),
the children do not often followed by fever, nausea, vomiting, shivering and headache.
- People with shortness of breath appear with or without signs obstruksi breath.
- Not a high fever.
- On examination throat membrane appear grayish white that is easily
bleed when touched.
- Symptoms do not always have this:
§ Stopped roads so that people breath sianosis
§ smell breath
§ bleeding nose
- The enlargement limfe gland in the neck (bullneck)
- Inflamasi with many local eksudat faring, eksudat in a sticky
mukosa gray or dark edema and network software. In the children,
phases of this disease can lead to road obstruksi breath.
- Systemic disease caused by bacterial toxin started 1 - 2
sunday after a local phenomenon. Toxin affects the heart (miokarditis,
aritmia especially during the second week of illness) and nerve system
(paralisis, neuritis 2 - 7 sunday after ONSET disease). When patients
recover from the acute phase of disease, usually recover without deviation broadcaster.

Therapy needs to be decided on the basis of anamnesis and description
Diagnosis is confirmed with a culture of bacteria taken into eksudat
tube to sample bacteria. Samples must dikultur on special media, for that
need to first notify the laboratory. Lear preparat taken 3 days
- Patients asimtomatik given antibiotics profilaktik either erythromycin.
- Patients should simtomatik referred to hospital

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