Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Antraks is a disease in wild animals, and pets, that is
animal-ruminant animals (herbivora), such as cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep,
pigs and horses. The disease is spread to humans, especially in people who
always related to work / adjacent to the livestock such as
cattle farmers, shepherds, veterinarians, laboratory workers, factory workers stuff
skin and bones.
Antraks bacteria (Bacillus anthracis)
Ways of transmission
This disease is usually transmitted to humans by the entrance or spore
basil antraks into the body through various ways, namely through the skin abrasions
or injury that caused skin antraks, through the mouth because the food material contamineted
food, causing intestinal antraks (digestion), inhalation
cause respiratory tract antraks pulmonal. Antrak brain inflammation
(meningitis) in general is a form of continuity antraks skin, intestinal or
pulmonal. Antraks pulmonal meningitis and very rarely been reported in Indonesia.
Going the way of direct contact with the animal people, for example,
contact with the blood out of the holes kumlah dead animals because
antraks or materials that come from animals that tercemar by spore
antraks, such as meat, offal, skin, flour, wool, and so forth. Beside
that, penularannya other sources of potential ligkungan is, among other lands,
plants (vegetables) and water tercemar by spore antraks.
Clinical picture
1. Clinical picture Antraks Skin
- Incubation period of 7 days (average 1-7 days)
- Gatal place lesi
- Papel
Basic guidelines Medicine Clinic in 2007
- Vesikel
- Ulkus (tukak) in the middle there is a network-shaped scab nekrotik
black (the patognomonik antraks) and is usually found
eritema and oedema around tukak. In the palpability, udema is not
software and does not dent (non-pitting) when pressed. Not be here
pus unless followed by secondary infection.
- It can happen lymph gland enlargement regional
- The current fever, headache, malaise rarely have
- Predileksi antraks skin usually on the open places, such as face,
neck, arms, hands, and feet
- Antraks skin that is not treated will grow worse with the
limfe spreading to the gland, and blood continues to flow, so that
septikemia cause mortality and 5 - 20%
- Bacteriological examination of eksudat in the skin obtained lesi
the bacillus that sediaan on clear and positive culture.
2. Clinical picture Antraks intestinal
- Incubation period varies between 2 - 5 days
- The early symptoms nausea, no appetite and increased temperature
- Vomiting
- Health intense stomach
- Constipation
- It can also occur acute gastro-enteritis which sometimes bloody,
hematemesis, general weakness, fever, and there is the exposure history
with animals or food products.
- Bacteriological examination of specimens obtained feces of basil
sediaan on a clear and positive culture.
1. Suspect antraks skin
When the case or the "explosion" in the animal or antraks history
the exposure to animals / animal origin of the materials and the environment tercemar
by spore / basil antraks and aberration found in the skin form of tukak
network with dead-shaped black scab in the middle (eskar),
around tukak redness, swollen, on the swollen area palpability
is not soft and does not dent and is usually not available unless the pus
followed by secondary infection.
Basic guidelines Medicine Clinic in 2007
2. People with skin antraks (definitive diagnosis)
If the suspect is already antraks skin with diagnosisnya
bacteriological examination.
3. Suspect antraks intestinal
When the case or the "explosion" in the animal or antraks history
the exposure to the animals or food products and found the heat
with stomach pain and vomiting.
4. People with intestinal antraks (definitive diagnosis)
If the suspect is already antraks skin with diagnosisnya
bacteriological examination.
- Drugs choice (drug of choice) for people with skin is antraks penicillin.
Procain with a dose of penicillin 1.2 million IU im x 2 a day for 5 - 7 days
or benzilpenisilin with 250,000 IU dose every 6 hours. Before giving
do penicillin skin test. People who hipersensitif against penicillin
tetrasiklin can be given with the dose of 500 mg, 4 x day for 5 - 7 days.
Should not be given to children under age 6 years. Another drug of choice
is kloramfenikol.
- In the intestinal antraks be given penicillin G 18 - 24 million units per day
the intravena, can be added tetrasiklin 1 gram per day.
- Simtomatis medicine and drug-suportif if necessary
- Refer to the hospital when needed.
- People are requested to report to the local health clinic when a suspect
antraks and report to the Farm when there is a sick animal with symptoms
- Not allowed to slaughter animals sick antraks
- Not allowed to consume meat derived from animals
sick antraks
- Not allowed to make goods that originate from animals such as
craft's horn, leather, fur, bones that come from animals sick / dead
because antraks disease.
- Mandatory health Health Department to report to the district when
meet people / antraks suspects.

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