Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Varisela or chickenpox, which is marked with vesikel in the skin and mucous membrane of this
very easily spread through saliva and contact spray. Transmission can be
occurred since 24 hours before arising aberration skin to 6 - 7 days later.
Varicella zoster virus.
The clinical picture
- The period of incubation 13 - 17 days.
- Symptoms of early form of dizziness, headache, fever and that is not so high.
This phenomenon is not so clear in children under five, but prominent in children age
over 10 years.
In adults, this complaint can be violent.
- Aberration skin appear initially morbili as in, and form makula
papula that became clear vesikel contain liquids. This change
take place within 24 - 48 hours.
- Rash usually more in the body than with members of the movement.
The typical on varisela this is a rash of various kinds can be found
in a moment.
- In the form of the weight difference arises in the skin throughout the body.
Based on the clinical picture of Tracy with the characteristics (fluorosensi
that are papulo vesikuler that multiforme and centrifugal process penjalarannya)
- Medicine, which provided only a simtomatis: parasetamol when fever
is very high. Do not give asetosal in children, because it can cause
reye syndrome.
- Patients are encouraged with the bath water and soap. Potassium Permanganate and
Other antiseptic is not recommended.
Then give salisil powder 1%. Try to vesikel not broken and
experienced a secondary infection.
- When there is secondary infection: Inject penicillin prokain 50,000 IU / kgBB / day
for 3 days or give Amoksilin 25 - 50 mg / kgBB / day peroral.
- Collaboration re-examined after a week.
- When you need the asiklovir 200 - 400 x 5 mg a day early in the disease
for 7 days.

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