Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Xeroftalmia eye aberration is due to vitamin A deficiency, especially in the
Young children and children are often found in people with malnutrition and lack of nutrition.
The factors that cause the high Xeroftalmia cases in Indonesia are:
- Consumption of foods that are less / does not contain enough vitamin A or
pro-vitamin A for long time
- Babies are not breastfed get Exclusive
- Disturbances of the absorption of vitamin A
- The high number of infection in children (Gastroenteritis / diarrhea)
Clinical Overview
1. Reversible symptoms:
- Blind dusk (Hemeralopia)
- Xerosis konjungtiva: namely konjungtiva dry, thick,
berkeriput, and muddy because many spot
- Xerosis corneas: konjungtiva corneas dry, thick,
berkeriput and muddy because many spot
- Bitot spot: benjolan the form of dry deposition and foamy
The silvery-gray color contains remnants
epitel konjungtiva damaged.
2. Symptoms irreversible: ulserasi cornea and sikatriks (scar)
The diagnosis was based on the symptoms and the results of the eye.

- Then give salisil powder 1%. Try to vesikel not broken and
experienced a secondary infection.
- When there is secondary infection: Inject penicillin prokain 50,000 IU / kgBB / day
for 3 days or give Amoksilin 25 - 50 mg / kgBB / day peroral.
- Collaboration re-examined after a week.
- When you need the asiklovir 200 - 400 x 5 mg a day early in the disease
for 7 days.
Treatment guidelines in the Basic health 2007
- Provide 200,000 IU Vitamin A in oral or 100,000 IU Vitamin A injection
- Next Day, give 200,000 IU Vitamin A in oral
- 1 - 2 next week, give 200,000 IU Vitamin A in oral
- Medical diseases that accompany the infection
- Medical aberration eye, occurs when the
- Improve the nutrition status

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